Cold Cases

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"...Sorry, so sorry... sorry I am late, Poppy decided today was the day she would cover herself in her own breakfast, then I had to bath her... baring in mind I wasn't dressed, get dressed, dress Poppy, wait for the Nanny who was twenty minutes late... Then I got stuck in traffic of my own" Nikki says quickly as she bursts into the offices of the Lyell.

Jack follows behind and sits himself down calmly compared to Nikki, "Woah, where is the fire" Thomas replies as he comes from the staffroom to see a frantic Nikki.

"two words, off-spring" Jack laughs as he logs onto his computer.

Thomas nods and looks at Nikki, "Will you calm down, I understand how stressful having a six-month-old child is, I have been there with Rosie. Calm down and go make yourself a cup of tea" Thomas suggests noticing his colleagues stress.

"She is satan, I swear... she knows how to push me" Nikki replies.

"She is a baby who is discovering food and how to use her hands, give her a break. she is not satan she is a very sweet baby" Clarissa smiles.

"Sweet" Nikki laughs sarcastically as she stands up and goes and retrieves some case files from the filing cabinet.

Jack laughs at Nikki's reaction to their own daughter and carries on with what he was doing yesterday before he clocked off.

Around two hours later Nikki walks into the viewing gallery to speak to Jack who has all the victims' clothes spread out in the cutting room, taking photos of the evidence. "Jack, want to come and reinvestigate a screen? I don't fancy going alone to an abandoned factory" Nikki smiles as she leans against the handrail.

"Oh Nik, not this cold case again, it's a cold case for a reason" Jack replies.

"It fascinates me, Jack, look I would love to at least get a lead on this, they never caught the gunman, he went on some kind of massacre, it's been for years since It happened... the factory was closed because of it, sometimes the killer revisits the scene of the crime..." Nikki smiles.

Jack rolls his eyes and puts his stuff away, "Fine, But I swear if they are any mass murders on the loose... you owe me a meal out" Jack smirks.

Nikki smiles and heads back to the offices to her car keys and bag, Jack meets Nikki in the car park and they head off towards Islington and the abandoned factory where the massacre occurred.

They pull up and sit in the car for a moment, "I hate you for this!" Jack huffs as he sits there waiting for Nikki to make a move.

"It shall be fun, come on... you big baby" Nikki giggles as she gets out the car and shuts her door, Jack climbs out also and shuts his door, Jack locks the car and places his car keys in his back pocket.

They walk towards a door which looks open, "Nikki, I don't like where this is going" Jack murmurs as the come to the open door.

"So the Massacre began here, and the gunman made his way to the left and down towards the main production area... but if we walk up these stairs here we can see the entire factory production floor" Nikki explains as she walks up the stairs and Jack follows closely behind.

Jack walks to the top of the stairs and looks over to the factory floor, "Looks like they are have started to strip this place down" Jack says.

"Yeah, they were going to make the factory into 100 flats and a couple of homes, but the demolition was stunted due to asbestos," Nikki says as she looks through the cold case notes she has in her bag.

Jack looks down at them, "Oh great" He huffs and rolls his eyes.
"Oh, Jack stop being a drama queen, be more adventurous" She smirks and jabs his ribs.

"Hey! I am adventrous... in the bedroom, anyway, your type of adventure entails being trapped in a box in Mexico for a day" Jack smiles as he holds her waist.

Nikki frowns and looks up at him, She kisses his cheek and pulls away from him and backs up against the wall as she hears a door open and then slams shut. Jack peers over the railings and looks down onto the empty factory floor where a man in his mid-fifties walks in with a long gym bag and chucks it to the floor.

He looks at Nikki and places his finger to his lips indicating for her to be quiet, Nikki's face flashes a hint of panic as Jack pushes them both back into the shadows so that the male won't be able to see them both watching.

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