♡ Lockers ♡

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Tom was the freak of the school. He was constantly bullied by many students larger than him. Tom had many reasons to be picked on. His long hair, that stuck up, his large black eyes, they were like big holes, the fact that he was overly attached to his dark blue hoodie, and the fact that Tom was shorter than others. Tom was just an all around unlucky person.

Tom walked into the school, avoiding the certain areas of the hall that held the most amount of people. More people, meant more being picked on. Tom eventually made it to his locker, opening it widely. Tom didn't ever use his locker, he just needed something to make him look like he was busy.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder. Tom jolted, and turned around, looking at the owner of the hand. It was his biggest bully, Eduardo.

"Come on, Eduardo, don't you have anything better to do?" Tom pleaded. To be honest, he was scared. He didn't like this school. Even though he had spoken to the teachers, and principal about this problem, they all said the same thing. 'There's not enough proof on the matter, sorry.'

Eduardo chuckled, grabbing onto Tom's shoulders, and shoving him into the open locker behind him. The door was slammed shut, directly in front of Tom's face. Tom sighed, as he heard the bell ring. Tom would get in trouble later at home for 'skipping class' 

Tom sat in the dark. It was a good thing he was small, or it would be more uncomfortable than it already was. Tom could hear small footsteps pass his locker. He wasn't about to ask for help, because that'd be awkward.

Tom sat in that locker for six hours. Six entire hours. He sat in that crammed locker. Eventually, when the release bell rang, Tom could hear a clatter of footsteps rush past him. Most likely kids excited to get home.

Soon, he could hear three people in particular gather in front of his locker.

"I swear, Tom was supposed to be here today!" Edd complained. I could hear small agrees from the other two people. 

"I'm gonna text him." Tord said, assumedly pulling out his phone. Tom left his phone at home, so that wasn't an option. Eventually, after messing with the locker handle for a few moments, Tom jimmied the door open. Tom stepped out, in front of Tord, Edd, and Matt.

"Screw you, Jake!" Were the only words that came out of Tom. There was silence. 

"How long have you been in there?" Tord asked.

"Six hours."

TomTord//TordTom Oneshots {Completed!}Where stories live. Discover now