Chapter 37 - Something Shiny

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(y/n) was on her common room, standing by the window, bored. The others were playing wizard chess on the table.

She's playing with this giant squid that was sticking on the window. Everytime she moves her finger, it's tentacles moves as well.

"Cute.." (y/n) smiled.

Suddenly, a broken chess piece knock at the window and made the octopus go away.

"Ahwww.. no." (y/n) said.

(y/n) looked through the window and saw something shiny from afar.

"What's it is..?" (y/n) whispered, squinting her eyes to look at it very carefully.

"Guys? can we actually swim in the black lake?" (y/n) asked.

"Well, if you want to die and get eaten by huge sea creatures, yea.." Adrian said.

(y/n) walked, attempting to go.

"Woah woah woah woah.. Where are you going?" Adrian stopped (y/n) and faced her to him.

"I'm going.." (y/n) said.

"No.. you're not." Adrian said.

"Just trust me.. Bring me a towel." (y/n) said then ran out.

Adrian quickly grab a towel and follow where she went.

From the clock tower, (y/n) went down passing Hagrid's hut then to the lake shore, followed by Adrian.

"Merlin's Beard. Tell me you're joking." Adrian said.

"No, trust me. I know what I'm doing." (y/n) said, and started to remove her clothes, leaving her underwear.

"Sweet mother of mercy!" Adrian said, the quickly covered her eyes with the towel he was holding.

"Sorry." (y/n) said.

"What are we going to do? We'll get in trouble for this." Adrian worriedly said.

"You only get in trouble if you get caught. I'll be back in few minutes." (y/n) said.

"Be care please... (y/n)?" Adrian was confused as he didn't heard as splash on the water.

"What the bloody hell just happened?" Adrian asked himself, confused. He just sat down and wait.

(y/n) turned herself into a Nerodia, and swam to the lake.

She tried looking for the Slytherin Common room window first so it will be easier for her to track it.

(y/n) found it and looked through the window.

They're still playing.

She now looked for the area where she was the shiny thing.


(y/n) swam closely to it.

A heart necklace? .. Aww!

A crab suddenly snapped the tip of her tail. (y/n) bit the crab's hand to realised it's grip but instead its hand just broke, so the hand was still snapped on her tail.

(y/n) grabbed the necklace from her mouth and swam back to the shore.

She made it and turned back into her human form.

"Good Heavens.. you're.. you're?" Adrian was very shocked on what he just saw.

"An animagus? yes. Apparently, inborn." (y/n) replied.

Adrian quickly gave her the towel. And suddenly noticed her scars on her arm.

"Your arms. You've been-" Adrian asked and was quickly cut by her.

"That's nothing. Can you please remove the crab's claw on my foot?" (y/n) said, hiding her arms.

"Oh! holy fudge. Yes." Adrian said, then released the clawvs grip.

(y/n) chuckled because Adrian was panicking.

"Should I take you to the infirmary?" Adrian ask

"No need. I'm soaking wet. I'll caught me then. Haha! Episkey will do." (y/n) explained

"Ok.. Episkey." Adrian casted.

"Aww... Thank you." (y/n) thanked.

"What did you even do over there?" Adrian asked.

"This.." (y/n) said, then took out the necklace.

"A necklace?" Adrian asked.

"Yeah.. I'm so curious. I always saw it shine when I look through the window." (y/n) said.

"There's something written on it." Adrian said.

"I love you.." (y/n) red.

"I love you too.." Adrian replied.

"Asshole!" (y/n) hit Adrian. He just laughed.

"Wait, I think it not just a necklace. It's a locket. See this?" Afrian said and pointed at where you open it.

He took the locket and opened it.

"Ahwww.. Disappointing. The pictures blurred out now." (y/n) said.

"Yea.. The water ruined it, probably." Adrian said.

"It's quite old, but still pretty though. I'll wear it." (y/n) said.

"Give it to me. Turn around." Adrian said.

He put the locket around (y/n)'s neck.

She layed down the pebbles. *sigh*

Adrian layed down beside her.

"So... mind explaining me something, by the way?" Adrian said.

"Well, Mum's an animagus. I got it from her. She's registered, so the ministry knows. I'm not. Soon, probably." (y/n) said

"Well that too. But I meant your scars." Adrian asked, then turned to her.

"Oh.. I just.. It takes the pain away. It calms me. You wouldn't understand." (y/n) said.

"I understand." Adrian said, than held her arm. "Just.. try not to do it anymore. The're a lot of people who cares about you." Adrian said.

(y/n) just nod.

The two looked at the sky.

"That's amazing. Really. You're an animagus. I tried once, last year, when we studied about animagus' on 3rd year. But it won't work for me. My uncle's an animagus too. Iguana. Dad turned into a frog once, but he never really focused on it." Adrian said.

"Haha! You squib." (y/n) said.

"Hey.." Adrian said.

"Kidding hahaha!" (y/n) said.

"Alright. haha. Your mum seems to have taught you a lot. You're so advance in everything. I mean even the spells they teach in your classes. You know them already." Adrian said.

"Yea.. She wants me to be stronger than every wizard. Trained me a lot. Even fighting with out wands. She taught me basic moves like punching and stuff." (y/n) explained.

"Makes sense. You're a very tough witch. I like it." Adrian said.

"Thanks." (y/n) said.

The two daydreamed again.

"Adrian?" (y/n) called.

"Yes?" Adrian answered.

"Please don't open up about my mum next time." (y/n) said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Adrian apologised.

"No. It's ok. I just can't help but think about her now. But I understand you didn't mean it. You're just asking about the animagus. So don't worry." (y/n) said.

"Ok. I won't opened up about it again.." Adrian said.

(y/n) hugged him.

"Woah.. ahm.. (y/n)?" Adrian asked.

"Can we be official now? Like.. C-Can you be my girlfriend?" Adrian asked.

(y/n) looked up to Adrian's eyes.

"Yes.." She smiled.

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