Chapter 118

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Barry's Point of View
One Week Later

Kara and I were at Star Labs. We were playing with Nora and Alura. Caitlin, Julian, Ralph, Dominic, Winn, and Cisco were all talking.

"Thanks again for the new suit Cisco.", Ralph said. "I actually look more like a superhero now. How did you even find time?"

"I had some help.", Cisco said looking at Winn. "Which reminds me." Cisco looked at us. "Winn and I made a different variety of suits."

"They are really cool.", Winn said.

Winn has been spending most of his time at Star Labs ever since he quit the DEO. He didn't have a concussion anymore, but his leg is still broken.

"Can't wait to see them.", I said.

A flash of light came in. We all saw Jessie.

"Jessie?", Harry asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you.", Jessie said.

Jessie and Harry walked downstairs. After ten minutes, Jessie walked up. She seemed pretty angry. The lights started flashing red.

"What's going on?", Harry asked walking up.

"It's from Joe. An ARGUSS facility hanger is being attacked. The CCPD is there.", Winn said.

"Ok.", Kara said. "Let's suit up."

Myself, Kara, Caitlin, Ralph, Cisco, and Jessie all breached to the location. We knocked all the bad guys out besides one.

"Its over pal.", Ralph said.

"No.", the bad guy said. "Its over for Central City."

The bad guy pressed a button. Before it could fully go into affect, I ran towards it. I was about to grab it when I noticed something. Everyone was standing still.

"Barry?", Jessie asked walking up to me. "What's going on?"

"I have no idea.", I said. "I think we are moving so fast that everyone is still."

"So we just have to keep moving and everyone will be still."

"Pretty much." I then looked at the container. "Oh my god." I walked in to see a nuclear bomb. "It has already gone critical."

"This is really bad." We both sighed. "Wait. Jay Garrick. He knows pretty much everything there is to know about the speed force. Maybe he can help us through whatever is happening right now."

"Good. Go get Jay."

Jessie left. I tried to think of who in the room I was in would know what to do. I looked at Cisco. Maybe if I touch him, he will be able to move just as fast? I reached out and touched Cisco. Cisco tried opening a breach but it wouldn't work. Since Cisco wasn't a speedster, I had to let him go. I was about to go ask Harry when a flash of light came in. There was a little boy standing a few feet away from me. When I got closer, I recognized him.

"You were that little boy from Oliver and Felicity's wedding.", I said.

"Yeah.", the boy said.

"And you are a speedster?"

"Correct." He sighed. "I'm from the future. I was running and accidently traveled back in time."

"How old even are you?"

"Eleven. I am from the year 2033." He sighed. "I was trying to keep a low profile so I wouldn't mess up the timeline. But when everyone froze, I knew something was up."

Jessie and Jay ran in.

"What have you gotten yourself into Barry now.", Jay said.

"Who's that?", Jessie asked pointing to the kid.

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