Chapter 1- Pool Day

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Read this: Things you need to know are, this book contains Jancy, Byler, Mileven,Jopper and my fav ship Lumax/Mucas. Also Jane/El is going by El by her close friends and just Jane for people that don't know her very well. I was going to refer to her as El while writing so you don't get confused. And finally I will include as FRIENDSHIPS: Elmax,Dustin and Steve and Stancy -Soph😜
Edit: I'm editing this book and I thought I would mention that I'm a Byler shipper now but if you request more Mileven I can write them :)

It was the middle of a heatwave in Hawkins and Mike, El, Dustin, Lucas, Will and their new friend Max were relaxing at the pool. All of a sudden there is a bang that came from the locker room more specifically the staff locker room.

The eager young teens race towards it and find themselves all climbing and clambering on top of each other pressing their ears against the door. Another Bang sounded from the other side of the door. A young man that looks around 19 comes out he had a light brown mullet. Max's stepbrother, Billy. He walks out of the room cupping his right hand across his left wrist. Several thoughts were racing through Max's head. Why does he look so upset? Is he hurt? Does he need help?

Despite the Party's run in with Billy they continued to have fun especially the couples in the group. Mike Wheeler and Jane 'Eleven' Hopper. And Max Mayfield and Lucas Sinclair. Max and Lucas had become really close after the moment at the snowball. Dustin had eventually realised that his shot with max was over. He blew it. He was still jealous when they held hands or hugged or even a kiss on the cheek. But he couldn't show her that, it would ruin their friendships for good. And he couldn't risk that.

Max was sitting alone at the side of the pool with her legs dangling in the water. Lucas walked over to her sat right next to her and their hands connected all in silence in less than 20 seconds. "You liking it so far," He asked.
"What?" She answered clueless.
"You know The Summer, the Pool, Hawkins,"He started calmly while staring into her ocean blue eyes.
"Yeah I love it!"She almost squealed,"It reminds me of California how the surface of the water creates waves like the ocean, how the summer weather here is like the fall weather there,"She laughed. "I mean I really miss California but Hawkins is my home now," She continued, " I don't know I love you guys and I love you but there is just something off about this whole situation and No. It's not because we almost died to about 30 inter dimensional monsters," They both laughed, sitting in comfortable silence for about 5 minutes.

Suddenly out of nowhere Max feels a hand on her mid back and is pushed into the water with a great shove then beside her she sees someone. Is that? She came up for air "Lucas Sinclair you complete ass!" She exclaimed their four other friends and Steve with Hopper and Joyce sitting laughing at them from the side of the pool. Max stuck her tongue out at Dustin and Will as they made fun of her. "Lucas Sinclair you complete ass!" Dustin imitates while the others laugh including Max and Lucas.

While this was happening Hopper and Joyce were sitting at the side of the pool on sun loungers talking about their Kids: El and Will. Hopper was talking about something to do with moving into a new house closer to town. Then out of nowhere Joyce kissed Him.


I kind of left it all on a cliffhanger but I don't care cause I'm evil. Anygays I hope you enjoyed the first chapter this is my first book and please don't hate if it doesn't sound right -Soph❤️

[this chapter has been edited]

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