35. Human bodies float

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"You bitch!" I yelled at the screen as I shoveled another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

"Calm down it's just a movie." My brother told me.

It was just a movie? If he kept this up he was getting a pillow smashed into his face. Titanic wasn't just a movie.

"If you want to keep this up you can leave." I glared.

"The movie is almost over." He reminded me.

Stupid movie.

"You know if I were Jack I would have pushed Rose off that stupid door and just saved myself."

My brother gave me a look. Ok I wasn't crazy, I promise.

"What? She's being a real bitch, there is plenty of room on that door and if she doesn't want to share and just let him die then I think he has the right to push her off and let her die."

I maybe hate the ending of this movie but that didn't mean I haven't watched it like twenty times. And yes I've yelled at the screen like this probably every time.

"You are crazy, I cant watch this with you anymore." My brother stood up and walked away.

"You're going to miss when she lets go and he sinks down into the water which doesn't make sense since human bodies float." I yelled to him.

"I don't think I like that you know that human bodies float off the top of your head." Jackson joked.

"Everyone knows that." I defended myself.

Right? That was a normal thing to just know off the top of your head.

The second the credits started to roll there was a knock on my door. I don't know why but that always freaked me out. It's not like a murderer would just knock on your door or something but it really could be anyone. At least I have my brother here to protect me.

Who am I kidding he would definitely let a kidnapper come and snatch me away.

It's moments like these that I wished I had a peep hole. Maybe I can DIY one in the future, well that's if whoever is behind this door doesn't try to kill me first.

I just had to do it. I couldn't make whoever was out there wait. A serial killer would definitely be angry if I made them wait. If I have learned anything from my hours spent watching crime shows it's that you don't make a serial killer wait, they don't like that.

Will all the many possibilities that had been swirling through my head none of them seemed to be what actually greeted me when I swung the door open. I don't think my mind was actually able to conjure up the possibility that Trevor would be standing there on the other side of the door. But there he was standing on my doorstep.

I didn't know how to feel in this moment, part of me wanted to jump for joy at the fact he was even here at all but there was a larger part of me that took one look at his face and felt anything but happiness. He looked broken, like someone had ripped his heart out and stepped on it repeatedly. This was not the Trevor I had seen in the restaurant laughing with Amy. This was not a Trevor I ever wanted to see. He looked like he was on the verge of a breakdown and that just broken my heart even more. I didn't want to see him hurting, ever.

"Come in," I urged him.

I stepped to the side and opened the door wider to let him in. He didn't say anything but he followed me into my house. I didn't know what to say to him. He had wanted space, we were on a break. We couldn't just resume the way we were before all this without talking about things but I felt like I couldn't talk about our relationship right now. At least not when he looked like this. I didn't want to push him to tell me what had happened but I also wanted to know how I could help him.

I wished he would just tell me how I can help him.

"Do you want anything? I don't have much for food but I have water, I can make tea or coffee. There might be some soda left if my dad didn't drink all of it yet." I offered trying to fill the silence.

"I'm good." Trevor shook his head not even bothering to look at me.

I had gotten us both to sit on the couch but he sat there staring in front of him into nothingness.

"We might have food, I think there might be some left over ice cream that I have yet to finish in the freezer. I could make something. We always have the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies. It would probably take like a half an hour until they are done but I could do that if you wanted them." I rambled not really knowing what to say.

I was nervous, there was no denying that. I don't know what I expected would happen when we finally saw each other again but this wasn't it.

"Ella, seriously I'm fine. You don't need to make me anything." He finally turned to look at me.

I frowned. I could see the hurt in his eyes when he finally looked at me. I just wanted to wrap my arms around him but I didn't know if that would help right now.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

It was a dumb question but what else was I supposed to say?

"No," he shook his head.

I figured if he wanted to talk about it he would so I didn't try to push him to talk to me.

"You should get some rest."

He needed to sleep the day away. I was hoping that tomorrow he would be ready to talk but if not I would be patient. Trevor was worth it.

He nodded and I led him up to my room.

"You can sleep on my bed, if you get hot you can open the window, if you get cold there are more blankets at the bottom of my closet. The bathroom is right across the hall." I told him everything I thought he might need.

He just nodded and climbed into my bed.

I turned around and started to walk out the door. I would be sleeping on the couch.

"Ella," he called out from behind me.

"Yeah?" I answered.

I turned around to see him sitting up in the bed staring at me.


One word.

That's all it took to have me changing my mind and climbing into the bed next to him. I had never slept in the same bed with him. It was a new feeling that made my heart race. I wanted to curl up beside him and fall asleep listening to his heartbeat and the sound of him breathing.

But I didn't do that, I stayed on my side of the bed and gave him the space he had asked for.


I'm getting almost frustrated with myself right now. I had lost all the inspiration I have to write for this story and it is just frustrating because I know exactly what I need to write and what happens and even most of the dialogue I've like gone through already in my head but I can't seem to get myself to write it. I am hoping that it goes away and I can continue to produce chapters for you all.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to comment and vote.

-cora Leigh

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