Part 2 (The Flight)

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(Ariana pov)

I woke up at 10:26 am. Shit! I was

gonna be late! I took a quick shower and put on baby blue jeans that were ripped with a shirt that said "you can't sit with us" with brown, short boots. I got my 2 suitcases and my brown bag and left on my skateboard.

(Ellie and Riley pov)

We are at the park waiting for Ariana. "where is she?!" I said. "I don't know!" Riley said. Then we see her riding her stake board. She looks like she was gonna fall. We caught her right before she tripped. "I'm SO SORRY guys I woke up late and I got here as fast as I could!" She looked like she had no breath. "come down Ari you didn't come that late" Riley said. She nodded. So did I.

(Ariana pov)

We reached the airport at 10:48. It took forever to get to the plane. Riley sat next to a guy called Ashton, Ellie sat next to A guy called Justin and I say with Riley's mom. Riley and Ellie got boyfriends and snuggled all 24 hours and I was grossed out. I don't know why.

(Riley pov)

It's been 16 hours. I have been snuggling with my Ashton. The only thing I did was either sleeping, snuggling, or going to the bathroom. Ashton and I were talking about music and bands and stuff. He's so cute!

(Ellie pov)

It is so cold in this freakin airplane!! Justin saw that I was cold, so he wrapped his arms around me. He and I smiled. We looked at each other and kisses for 4 seconds. I saw that Riley and Ari were saying "awwww"♥️. Justin and I were sharing earphones to listen to music. I love him so much!

(Ariana pov)

Riley's mom and I were talking. She is so nice. It seems like she's my mom. We were listening to HER kind of music. Her taste of music is cool.

(Riley pov)

I saw Ari and my mom listening to music. That's nice of Ari to keep her company.

(Ellie pov)

I felt bad for Ari. She didn't have anyone to sit with. Only Riley's mom. There was an extra seat next to Ariana. I told Justin that I would be right back. I went to go sit next to her. "hey" I said. "Hi" she said. I felt like she's lonely. "You okay?" "Ya I'm fine. Go hang out with Justin" "okay" I left.

(Ariana pov)

Ellie came to talk to me. Then she left. Someone said in a speaker that we were going to land. I was hoping that the trip is going to be more fun then the airplane.

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