Part 16 ( the music room)

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(Ariana pov)

After 3 hours of unpacking I decided to tell everyone to come in the living room. "Okay guys listen. For the cars all of u have to get a license. Me and Julian already got it. Wanna go tomorrow?" "sure" they all said. "Okay. Since we are all done unpacking I wanna show you guys a special room."

(Riley pov)

Everyone followed Ari and Julian. We entered a gigantic room. Bigger that the living room. "Okay guys" Ari said "this is the music room. There is a piano over there. Electric guitars over there. Guitars over here. Karaoke station over there. Microphones over there. And there's the drums over the..." i interrupted saying "OH MY FREAKING JESUS CHRIST!!!! DRUMS!!!" I ran to the drums and started playing them. Ari said "There is a teacher and she's one of my friends that are gonna come here every Wednesday for 2 hours (2:00-4:00) who will teach us to play. Now who want to play the guitars?" Justin and Ellie wanted to. "Electric guitars?" Ashton. Piano Ari and Ellie Drums me. Singing Ari. "Okay it's settled" Ari said while writing it down. "Okay today is Saturday for remember Wednesday!" "k k"

(Ellie pov)

Ari decided to sing. She got a microphone and started to make up a song and rhythm. she started "Love in our hearts is the one that keeps us together love in our arms as we cuddle each other forever I love you so damn much you make my heart stop on the way tooodayyyyyyyy yea..." we clapped.

(Julian pov)

After the music room me and Ari went to the room. I picked her up and put her on the edge of the bed. I told her "I love you" she smiled and started kissing. She stopped kissing and said that she's gonna change into better clothes. She went in the bathroom.

(Ariana pov)

I got in the bathroom to change. I came out wearing pj shorts that were shorty shorts and a crop top that said "stfu". The crop top showed have of my stomach. I got out and put the others clothes in the laundry in the hallway. I closed the door and went to Julian on the bed. We continued kissing. He kept kissing while his finger was tracing words on the side of my stomach. I kept giggling cause it was tickling me. My hand went through his brown hair. I stopped and looked at his blue eyes. "I love you so freackin much" he kept telling me. I told him "you know you're a wiz idiot" "well at least I'm your wiz idiot"

(Julian pov)

We were still kissing. I stopped and got out the bed. I picked Ari up and put her feet on the ground. We started kissing again. Her hands around my neck and my hands around her waist. I love her.

(Ashton pov)

Me and Riley walked to our room. She wanted to watch a movie. We cuddled up. She kissed me and I kissed he back. It was like the longest kiss we ever had. Her hair kept on going in front of her face and she kept laughing. "Love you" "love you more douchebag"

(Justin pov)

Me and Ellie decided to go to our room. I jumped on the bed and she went on top of me. She got her hair band and tied her hair. She leaned in and kissed me. The girl who loves me? she's right here. The boy who loves her? me. "Babe.." "ya ellie?" "love you" she smiled and started kissing me. We kept on laughing for no reason.

-next day-

Next chapter really soon. Love you guys❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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