Part 34 (the nightmare and the thanks)

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(Ariana pov)
*nightmare beginning*
I was in a white room. I looked around. "Hello?" I said. Someone walked up to me. It was a strange man that I never knew. He said "you now you want me" "huh?" "You love me and not Julian" "what? No" I looked to the right and saw julian. He waved at me and smiled like he didn't see the man. The man looked at me and smirked. "say goodbye" He took out a gun and shot Julian. "JULIAN!!" I ran to him. He was on the floor. I sat down. "Julian. Baby Plz plz answer me" i started to cry. "Plz answer me plz" I looked back at the man and he wasn't there. "Julian plz" I started to cry more and more. The blood went on my shirt. "Plz stay with me. Plz stay" "Ariana" he said. "Ariana. Ari. Ariana"
*end of nightmare*
I woke up to the sound of Julian saying my name. I was sweating and my heart beating really fast. "Ariana are you okay?" I shook my head to say no. "Come here" he took me in a hug.
(Julian Pov)
Her head was laying on my chest. "What happened?" She told me everything and after that she said "I don't wanna loose you" she started to cry a little. "No. Babe I'm always gonna be here. Always" I kissed her forehead and hugged her again. She started to cry more and I wiped her tears with my thumb. "everything is okay I got you" I kissed her to make her calm down.
(Ariana pov)
Julian said "how about you take a shower while I make you breakfast." I nodded and went in the bathroom.
(Ellie pov)
Riley, Ashton, Justin, and I were sitting on the couch. The boys started to tackle each other for the remote. I saw Julian go to the kitchen. "Hey" "hi" He made bacon and French toast he also got 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. And a glass of water.
(Ashton pov)
Julian was making breakfast. "Mmm that looks good" "it's not for you its for Ari" "why what happened? Can't she come and eat here?" Justin asked. "No she kinda had a nightmare and she's to tired" "ok"
-10 minutes later-
(Ari pov)
I took a quick shower and put on a long sleeved shirt that was a little big on my with black skinny jeans. I let my hair down and put on socks. I then saw Julian on the bed with breakfast. "enjoy" he said while pointing to the food. "Thank you love" I went to kiss him really quick and I got the plate on my lap. I looked at him "come eat with me" he shrugged and got a sandwich.
(Riley pov)
Me and Ellie went go play video games in the game room. She kept on winning. "Cheater!" "I'm not. You're just not good" she laughed and I tickled her and she surrendered.
(Justin pov)
Me and ash were outside playing with Timmy. We first played catch and then tug a war and so on. He jumped on me and I fell and he licked my face. Then he went to Ashton, who was to tired to stand up, and licked his face.
-20 minutes later-
(Julian pov)
I heard Ariana say "Thank you for everything" I smiled and we made out for like 10 minutes. We kept on smiling through the kiss. Ariana tied her hair up in a pony tail and then she went on top of me. We kept kissing for another 10 minutes. Then through the 10 minutes I flipped over so I would be on top of her. "I love you" she said. "I'm crazy for you"
-20 minutes later-
(Ellie pov)
Me and just were having a make out session in the music room on the couch. He started to kiss my lips then my neck and back to my lips again. "I love you Ellie" "I love you too"
(Riley pov)
Me and Ash were sitting in bed. All of a sudden we started to kiss for about 15 minutes. "I love you" "me too"

Sorry if it's short. I will make a long one tomorrow. Love you guys. Keep on slaying. 😋

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