Part 43 (noting else matters)

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(Ariana pov)
I woke up from my long nap. I looked next to me and I saw him. Sleeping as possible as away from me. I didn't want this to happen. When I turned around I saw a blue rose and a letter. I opened the letter.
Dear Ariana,
Hey Ari. If your hungry and I'm sleeping, wake me up. If your not hungry then just wake me up anyways. I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier:( I just lost my mind you know. I should've thought before anything else. I love you more that anything in the world. You're the only reason why I'm still here. Nothing else matters. Nothing.
I sat there. Tears were threatening to come. I turned to him and shook him.
(Julian pov)
I felt small, gentle hands shaking me. I opened my eyes. There she was. I got up and smiled when I saw the letter and the rose on her lap. I grabbed her arm gently, hugging her. "Ari, I am so sorry. I love you and I swear I won't hurt you again." She was silent. "Are you hungry?" I asked. She shrugged. "Pancakes?" I asked again. She shook her head. "I just want to sleep." "but you didn't eat anything all day. Only the spaghetti." "I know but I'm not hungry." I simply nodded. We fell asleep. Cuddling together. "Nothing else matters" I whispered.
(Justin pov)
I woke up and saw Ellie still sleeping. I went downstairs to the kitchen. I made blueberry pancakes and went to the room. I put the plate next to the bed and went to wake Ellie up. I got on top of her and started to kiss her. I felt her smile and she kissed back. "Good morning" I said when we pulled apart. "Morning" "look what I got for you"
(Ellie pov)
Justin got off of me and got a plate. "Blueberry Pancakes. Breakfast in bed for my baby" "Aww thanks babe" I kissed him and started eating. He sat next to me and ate.
(Riley pov)
I woke up the same time Ash woke up. "Morning" he said. His morning voice is cute for me. "Morning." "You hungry?" He asked while scratching the back of his head. "Do you even know me?" He laughed and went outside. In 10 minutes he came back with food.
(Ashton pov)
We both ate and watched tv. We cuddled because it's cold.
(Ariana pov)
I woke up and my stomach was growling. I want food. I turned to Julian who was sleeping. I tried to get up but my back and my legs was disagreeing with me. I tried to walk but as soon as I reached half of the room I fell. It wasn't to loud for anyone to hear which is good. I carefully walked to Julian. "Julian " I whispered. He didn't answer. "Juliaaaannn" I fell. Great
(Julian pov)
I saw Ari on the floor. I got up and helped her. "My legs and my back is hurting me so much." I nodded and carried her on to the bed.
(Ariana pov)
"You should just wake me up" oh god morning voice is amazing. "I'm sorry" "it's ok. you feel better" he asked while rubbing my back. "Not really... are we together again?" "Ariana, of course. I love you so much."
(Julian pov)
I looked at her. Straight into her light brown eyes. We leaned in and kissed. I pecked her lips and then said "lets go downstairs?" She nodded. She got up and almost fell. I caught her. "You okay?" "Ya I'm fine" she faked smile. She must be in pain. Inside and out. I carried her bridal style and she laid her head on my chest. "I love you Ariana." she smiled.
(Justin pov)
"What do you guys want to do?" I asked. "I don't know. It's so boring here" Riley said. "Yea" julian said. Ari was sitting quiet. "Ari what's the matter?" I asked. She was half awake, half asleep. "She's tired" julian said. Julian woke her up. She looked at him. "What do you wanna do?" She shrugged.
(Julian pov)
"Ari why are you doing this?" I asked. "Doing what?" "Being all quiet and not being yourself. You've changed since yesterday"
(Ariana pov)
"it's noting Julian. Calm down" "no I'm not cause I hate seeing you like this." By this point he was standing a pushing back his hair frustrated. I felt guilty. I started to have tears drop down. I looked down.
(Ashton pov)
"Julian bro. Calm down on her. She's basically tired. You know and can see that." Julian went and sat back next to Ariana. "I'm sorry Ari," he began "I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm a jerk." "No your not. I was the one who didn't answer and be myself." "we will leave you two alone" I said and everyone went in the music room. Timmy followed me.
(Julian pov)
Some of her tears were on her cheeks. I whipped it off with my thumb. She moved away my hand. I can tell she's pissed. I got her hand and kissed it. She yanked it off and just sat quiet. I got kinda mad and impatient. I got up and grabbed my keys and went out. I got in the car and drove to a place that I only go to when I get really mad or don't feel well. A cliff. It was so beautiful. I just sat there and stared at Paris.
(Ellie pov)
We went to the living room. We saw Ari by herself. Crying a little. "What happened?" She told us everything. I went To the kitchen and got her something. Cookie dough ice cream. She smiled and ate.
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