Part 9 (spin the bottle)

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(Ariana pov)

I woke up and saw that everyone was looking at us. I said "OH MY GOD".

Julian woke up all of a sudden. "Oh god".

(Riley pov)

"Soooo where you guys having se...." Ashton put his hand on my mouth and pulled me back.

(Ellie pov)

"So what did u guys do"

-skip what Ari said-

(Justin pov)

"How old are you Julian anyways?" "I'm 19." "Oh cool. Ari is 18" "yup I know"

(Ariana pov)

"Since we have noting to do lets play spin the bottle!" "noooooo!" said the boys. We got a bottle. "Ok I'll go first" said Ellie.

(Ellie pov)

I went first. It landed on Ashton. "OH NO NO!" "you have to" Ari said. I looked at Riley then at Justin. They nodded. I went to Ashton. We kissed for a second.

(Riley pov)

I went second. It landed on Julian. I kissed him.

(Ariana pov)

It landed on Justin. "Ohhhh god" I kissed him.

(Ashton pov)

It landed on Riley. "yayaya" I kissed her for 17 seconds.

(Julian pov)

It landed on Ari! "whooooooohoooo!" she put her arms in the air. We kissed for like 18 seconds.

(Justin pov)

It landed on Ellie. "Whoooho" we kissed for 15 seconds.

-that was done-

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