Part 26 (awwww so cute!)

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(Ariana pov)
Me and Julian were walking around. We decided to sit down at a bench. We were talking and laughing when I noticed something in the corner of my eye. I turned around and saw a cute little white puppy walking to where me and Julian were sitting. "Aww so cute! Look" I said. The pup came next to me and jumped on the unoccupied space next to me. "Aww hi little guy" I was about to touch him when julian held back my hand. "You don't know where that dogs been babe don't touch it" "it's okay see" I held up the dog. "Ewww you stink" I laughed. "Don't have your collar?" I got up still carried the dog and told Julian "can we keep him? Plz?!" "Fine fine but we take it to the vet first" I kissed Julian on the cheek. We walked back to the guys.
(Ellie pov)
Justin and I went back to where the guys were. I saw Riley and Ashton there. We started talking. I saw Ari coming holding a cute pup. "A PUPPY!!!!!!!!" I ran and took it out of her hands. She took it back from me and explained what happened. Riley said "awww so cute"
(Julian pov)
We went to the vet. The vet told us that it was a boy. And it needed some shots. We paid for them and we went to the dog store to buy stuff. Ari took the pup from me and went to buy stuff. She came back with a blue collar some toys and food and the bowl and a leash. And a bed. We went to the counter and the man standing there asked what name for the dog. Ari looked at us. "What do you guys want?" She asked. "Whatever" we all said. She smiled. I bet she had a name. "Timmy. His name is Timmy" "phone #?" "************" "okay here you go" "thank u" she put the dog down while I paid.
(Justin pov)
I saw Ari put Timmy down and she put the collar and leash on him. He stood on his hind legs and wants to lick aria face. She laughed and I smiled. Julian and Ashton noticed and laughed at her as the pup went on top of her. "Ok oka stop Timmy" he barked. Man he likes her.
(Riley pov)
We went home and set the stuff of the dog around the house. We decided to let the unoccupied room in the house for the dog's stuff. Ari took of his leash and he ran around. He came to me and put his front legs on my legs. I sat down and he jumped on my lap and went back to Ari. He ran to her and jumped in her arms. Awww
(Ellie pov)
I was watching Ari and Timmy. "Aye come here" Ari told me and Riley. "Wow we feel loved" the boys said. She laughed and moved her hand to signal them to come. We sat in a circle. Ari said "lets see where he's gonna go. Don't do anything." She put him in the middle and said "stay" he looked around. He went to Ari and barked. Awww he loves her.
-1 hour later-
(Ash pov)
We have been playing with this pup ever since we came home!!!! We were laying on the floor on our backs. Suddenly Timmy climbed on my stomach. He likes my chin and laid on my stomach. I pet him and scratched his head. "Aye Timmy hey boy" I kept talking to him. He's cute.

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