Vikklan- Pet Names

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Vikk's P.O.V.

Lachlan had called me pet names even before we had gotten together, calling me anything but my name while we talked or recorded so pretty much everyone knew about it. They weren't embarrassing pet name, plays on my name or some combination of my username, and I found I liked it.

Once we got together however, it got worse. He would call me any typical couple name under the sun and only really called me by my name around the Sidemen and my other friends. Of course the other Pack members knew about his habit to call me anything but my name, they were around it enough to know that, and he wasn't shy about calling me things like doll around them.

"Hey babe." He mumbled, his arms sidling around my waist. I looked up from my computer to see his hair flopping down over his face, he had clearly just woken up.

It was no surprise to me that he was jet lagged, he had only arrived in London 24 hours before after all and I hadn't expected him to be back to his bright and bubbly self for a couple of day. I tipped my head back and pressed a kiss to his cheek, glad that he was there.

"Hey Lachy, what are you doin' up?" I asked him. He had been asleep less than 4 hours.

"Couldn't sleep without you." That was a common problem when he came around, he hated sleeping alone, as did I, so we often fell asleep in the Skype call together. I didn't know why I expected he would fall asleep when I was in a different room, now we were together he was even more clingy.

I glanced over at my computer, I had been finishing editing a video but it could wait. I was tired so, yawning, I shut everything down. Lachlan lit up when he saw what I was doing and as soon as I stood up and held out my arms for a hug he spoke up.

"Thanks baby boy, I think we both need cuddles."

"Well I know I do."


The two of us slept soundly for almost 6 hours and I only stirred when I heard yelling from downstairs. It sounded like JJ and Simon were playing something, probably Fifa, in the living room and although it hadn't woken Lachlan it had woken me.

I unwound Lachlan's arms from around my waist that had snaked their way around me while I slept, slipping from the bed as quietly as possible. Thankfully he didn't even make a peep, he just rolled over in bed and tugged the blankets tighter around his shoulders.

Tiptoeing down the stairs I poked my head around the living room door and found I had been right in my assumptions. JJ and Simon were both playing Fifa on the living room television and they had been joined by Ethan, Josh, Harry and Tobi who were all sprawled around on couches.

"Hey Vikk." Tobi said, waving a hand in a lazy greeting. The others also acknowledged me but didn't really say anything, they were too focused on what they were doing.

I glanced up at the ceiling, considering whether or not to go back up to my room, but Lachlan was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him. If I was downstairs then I could both check social media and make sure the noise level stayed down, hopefully allowing him to sleep a little longer.


It was half an hour later when my phone buzzed with a text from Lachlan, alerting me to the fact that he was awake.

Lachy: Baby dollllllllllll

Lachy: Where are youuuuuuu?

Lachy: Why'd you leave me alone

Lachy: The bed's cold now

Vikk: I'm downstairs with the boys, I woke up like half an hour ago

Vikk: You can come down if you want but get dressed

Vikk: If you come down shirtless then you'll never hear the end of it

Lachy: Fine, be right down

I heard his heavy, sleepy footsteps plodding down the stairs a few minutes later and some of the others did too, because they glanced at the ceilings.

Lachlan made a beeline for me the second he stepped into the room and most of the others fell silent, not because of his entrance but simply because of a natural lull in conversation. He leaned over the back of the couch, pressed a kiss to my cheek and said a full volume;

"Hey kitten."

JJ actually physically choked when Lachlan said that, leaning forward on the couch and then bursting in laughter. Most of the others sat in a shocked silence for a few seconds and I went red all the way up to the tips of my ear, while Lachlan didn't even seem to care. He glanced up when the others dissolved into giggles.

"What?" The question was directed at Tobi, who was only sniggering.

"Kitten? Really? Of all the pet names, you went with kitten?"

"He calls me everything but my name at this point." I breezed, glaring but also smiling at Lachlan. "I'm used to it. You should hear some of the other ones."

He raised an eyebrow but didn't question it anymore, waiting for the others to calm and stop their fits of laughter. JJ was the last to stop, his face bright red.

"KITTEN?!" He shrieked happily, cackling at my misfortune as I went red again. "That's the nickname you've got?"

"If you were listening then you'd know there's other ones." Lachlan chided, still leaning over my shoulder.

"Wait what other ones?" Simon asked, sounding very excited to embarrass me.

"Babe, baby doll, dork, baby bo-" I cut him off by slapping a hand over his mouth, cutting him off with a loud chant of-

"Lalalalalalalalaaaaaaa! Nope, nope, they don't need to know that!" Lachlan grinned through my hand and then proceeded to lick my hand, earning a shriek of surprise and disgust. "Lachlan!"

That earned more shrieks of laughter from throughout the room and Lachlan went back to listing off his pet names for me.

"Baby boy, cutie, Vikky, bab-" I cut him off again, this time by leaping over the back of the couch and tackling him to the ground. He shrieked with laughter and attempted to escape from my arms, running from the room with me hot on his heels.

I heard the laughter from the living room and knew I would never hear the end of it because Lachlan, the cheeky idiot, and you could be damn sure that I was going to get him back for it.

"You're an asshole Lachlan!" I yelled sarcastically as he bolted up the stairs, me still close behind him.

"You know it!" He yelled back, turning around for a second to make sure I heard him. "But you still love me!"

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