Vikklan- Tribe

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Vikk's P.O.V.

I ran, stumbling through a damp and dark forest, tripping over tree roots because I couldn't see due the tears falling from my eyes. There was blood falling from the massive laceration in my leg but it was entirely numb, there was no pain, but I was about to faint.

Tripping one last time I stumbled, falling over another tree root that had been exposed by the years of wear and tear, rainfall and erosion, and fell onto my face, hardly able to stop myself from smashing into the ground. My head hit the dirt and then I found I couldn't move, my leg was bleeding too heavily, I was too weak, starved and dehydrated.

Closing my eyes, I had to say I was a little glad to know that I wouldn't open them again. After this long and so much fighting, death was welcome.


"How many stitches did he need again?" The voice was rough, it sounded like they had a cold.

"40. It was bad, I'm honestly surprised he's been strong enough to fight off infection but hey, he's still alive." There was a solid pause, and I heard the scratching of pen on paper. "Rob said he's worked out what tribe he's from, what did he tell you?"

"Rob thinks he's from two tribe over, the Sidemen. He had the tattoos but they've been scratched out the injury was from one of their serrated knife things so he thinks he was kicked out. We aren't sure why though."

I blinked lowly, raising a hand to my forehead as I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a small room, lying on a small but comfortable bed, with white walls, white ceiling, white floor and as I looked around I found there were also some white chairs and a boy dressed completely in white, half asleep in that chair. He looked up when he saw I was awake.

"Oh! You're awake, good!" I flinched away from him even though he looked very friendly, on the smaller side with light brown curls that bounced whenever he moved. "I'm Mitch, what's your name?" I blinked at his brightness and happiness but finally managed to answer him, with a lot of hesitation.

"Vi-Vikk." My voice was hoarse, telling me I had been unconscious for a while.

"Vikk?" I nodded. "Alright, I'm just going to get Lachlan, he's better with this sort of thing than I am."

He left the room and came back a few minutes later with a tall blonde boy, also wearing plain white. It did confuse me a little that they all seemed to be wearing white but I supposed it was an indication of their status as healers or doctors.

"Hey Vikk, I'm Lachlan, I'm just gonna do a quick check up to make sure you're okay and then I'll explain everything, okay?" I nodded, again. I didn't seem to be doing much talking. "Can you leave us please Mitch? I wanna talk to him alone."

Mitch, who actually appeared to be older than Lachlan, nodded and then left the room, closing it gently behind him. Lachlan then set about checking me over silently, never explaining what he was doing, but his touch was gentle and he made sure I was alright between each action, so I did begin to trust him a little.

"Okay, everything seems to be healing well. I don't think you'll be up to walking just yet, the leg wound isn't healed enough but it should be soon." He put everything away and then sat down on the bed. "I'll explain what's going on, but I want to know some things about you as well. How'd you get here?"

"I- I don't really... remember much..." I said, stumbling over my words while I tried to remember the events that conspired in me ending up there. "I was never allowed to leave home... I was... the little one... I was to weak to fight. I think I argued with them and JJ... he got... he got mad and he... he hit me. I don't remember being injured but I remember running away and... falling."

Lachlan gently placed his hand on top of mine while I tried to gather myself, my emotions and thoughts were all over the place and I was just trying not to cry.

"God... just... I'll try and explain what happened on our end. I was out last week looking for plants that I could use for medicinal purposes when I found you passed out. I took you back here and Mitch helped me patch you up, and that's the end of it really. You've been unconscious for almost a week now but the leg injury was pretty bad so it was probably just your body trying to heal."

I nodded slowly and looked down at the wound he was referring to. It was indeed huge, stretching all the way down my calf from my knee to my ankle and there were still stitches in it, several dozen of them like who I assume was Mitch said earlier.

"Do you want something to eat and drink?" He asked, jerking his head up. I nodded slowly, but already I was exhausted and I kind of just wanted to go back to sleep, which I knew Lachlan could see. "How about you just lie down, I'll see if I can find something."

I was asleep before he got back.


Over the period of a few days, I was able to explore the facility, the home I was in and I was also able to meet all of the people living there. There was Lachlan and Mitch who I had already met, then there was Rob who I had heard of. He was the oldest of the group and seemed to be constantly surrounded by books, at least he was every time I saw him.

There was also Preston, young, bright and happy who bounced around the room when I met him for the first time, simply excited to meet someone new. Lachlan explained to me that the group was rather reclusive after something had happened to a previous member and they didn't see new people very often.

The last member of the group was Jerome, who I didn't see often as he seemed to be out of the base during most daylight hours. I got no explanation as to why, so I simply didn't question his absence. They were like a little family, and I was elated to be invited into it.

Lachlan was such a sweetheart to me, he patiently explained everything that I wanted to know, helped me when I struggled to walk and showed me where everything was when I forgot. The amount of times he had to reshow where things were was ridiculous and I thought he'd get sick of it, but he continued to explain it to me every time I asked.

The other boys were also incredibly sweet to me, chatting with me when they saw me and I found I got along great with Rob, who was a massive bookworm. Back with the Sidemen I was never allowed out of the base because I was the little one of the group, the weak one who couldn't fight or be useful outside of the home.

But with them, I found that I was allowed to do whatever I wanted and there was no one telling me no unless it was a danger to my health because of my injury. I was allowed to go out with Jerome and Preston into the forest, adventure with Lachlan and Mitch to find stuff or read or fish or simply wander with Rob. I could do what I wanted as long as I helped out, and I loved it.

It was a month in that I found out that Mitch and Jerome were together and so were Preston and Rob, I had no idea how I hadn't noticed it. Each of the couples slept in the same room and were constantly cuddly with each other but it wasn't until Lachlan flat out told me that it was Mitch and Jerome's anniversary that I worked it out.

Lachlan and I laughed about it for a little while when I told him that I didn't know about them being together, and it was a really sweet bonding moment for the two of us. Although he had saved my life and we were constantly together I couldn't see us being anything more than friends and I was alright with that.

I was fine with just being friends because now I had a family that cared about me and supported me with everything, something I had never had before. I loved it, because I had a tribe.

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