Wooflan, Veston & Merome- Burn Part 1

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Mitch's P.O.V.

Everyone was asleep in bed, Rob and Preston having dragged their boyfriends to bed after a long day of recording, yelling so much that Vikk's voice broke and Lachlan's voice had half gone. I was glad to see them go because Lachlan had begun to get a little grumpy, pouting and rubbing his eyes like a toddler. Vikk just fell asleep on Preston.

Jerome and I were curled up on the couch watching television, with no intentions of going to bed anytime soon. We had woken up at like 3 in the afternoon and weren't at all tired, but both Vikk and Lachlan had been up early for some Fortnite event, so they were. Jerome's arms were wound tight around my waist, his eyes fixed on the screen.

"What'da you wanna watch now?" Jerome asked as the episode ended, his hand running lazily through my hair.

"Dunno." I mumbled. "Little tired now." I yawned, tucking my head into his chest.

We fell into a comfortable silence for quite a while, maybe half an hour, but then Jerome raised his head.

"Do you smell that?" He sounded a little panicked. "Mitch?"

I looked around an sniffed, frowning.

"Is that... is that smoke?"

Jerome pushed me off him and sat up, looking around the room. He stuck his head into the hallway and then stumbled backwards, yelling in panic and falling on his butt.

"Mitch! Get out! Get out now!" I scrambled to my feet and ran to his side, trying to see what he was.

I caught a glance of a glowing ball of flickering flames at the bottom of the stairs- right on top of the electric heater, before Jerome shoved me back in the other direction. The smoke alarm above our heads started blaring and the smoke smell grew, making me choke.

"Shit- there's no door in here!" Jerome was panicking, but somehow through my coughing and choking I managed to keep a clear enough head to work out what to do. I snatched my phone from the couch, took Jerome's hand and dragged him out into the hall- running away from the fire.

The heat burned my heels and back as we ran, yanking and the front door open and falling onto the front lawn. Jerome lay there, hacking his lungs out while I scrabbled backwards to look at the burning house in front of me. Some neighbours had begun to work out what was going on, several people on their phones.

"Are you alright?!" Someone yelled, dragging both me and Jerome away.

"Lachlan and Vikk and Preston and Rob are still in there!" I screamed, trying to work my way out of their grip. "No! Let me go!"

Preston's P.O.V.

I awoke to the smell of smoke, confused and concerned. Vikk was still fast asleep and at first I thought I was just imagining it, but when I turned on the lights and noticed a curl of smoke come through the door, I knew it was real. I shook Vikk awake, my eyes on the hall.

"Vikk? Vikk!? Wake up?" He jolted suddenly and sat up at my concerned tone, following my eyeline.

"Is that-"

"It's smoke, we need to go. NOW!" I pulled him from bed, took his hand and pulled him behind me.

The entire hall was filled with smoke and at the bottom of the stairs I could see flickering flames, burning and making my skin tingle. Vikk began to cough so I held him close and pulled his pyjama top up over his nose and mouth because it was soaked in sweat.

I burst into Lachlan and Rob's bedroom, their door was still closed, and startled both of them awake. Rob sat right up at my panic and sniffed, his eyes widening in panic. Lachlan didn't seem to notice but when Rob took his hand and dragged him from bed his eyes focused and he smelled the smoke.

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