Merome- Accidental Get Together

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Mitch's P.O.V.

I laughed in the face of the enemy, knowing I could count out on my friend to watch my back. He was somewhere off in the distance and through my headphones I could hear him cackling, enemies falling into his cleverly set traps right and left. I rolled my eyes at his joy, but let him have his fun.

"Jerome!" I yelped, seeing an influx of enemies over a hill, charging right at me. "A little help here!"

I had never seen Jerome's face, hell, I didn't even really know who he was. All I knew was that his name was Jerome and he was around the same age as me, using video games as an escape from everyday life and the dragging jobs we both worked in.

He came and joined me on the high ground, his joyful cackling still heard. I gripped my controller and adjusted my microphone, preparing for the ambush that was facing Jerome and I.

"Ready?" I asked, my voice steely.

"When am I not!" He laughed back, facing the enemies. "Of course I am!"


I sighed, rubbing my forehead. After an exhausting 8 hour shift I was finally off work but before I could go home and collapse on my bed I had to fight my way through a mall to get to the supermarket. I really didn't want to do it but there was no food in my cupboard or fridge and considering my tight budget, I couldn't just go out. Too expensive.

Wandering through the supermarket with a basket in hand I was minding my own business, really not paying attention to where I was going and paying more mind to the products, when someone bumped into me. It wasn't a big bump, they just knocked into me like they weren't watching.

"Oh!" It was a boy about my age, looking decidedly embarrassed. "Sorry I wasn't looking- oh shit...!" He gulped. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!"

For a second I was confused but then I looked down at myself and noticed that my entire front was soaked, I smelt like orange and sugar and the guy was holding a half empty Fanta bottle. It took me a second to process what it meant and for my brain to connect the dots, but he looked mortified.

"I'm so sorry!" He sputtered, dropping his basket to the floor and flapping his hands. The tips of his ears were red and honestly, I didn't want to create anymore embarrassment for him so I shrugged my coat off, leaving me in a hoodie that smelt ever so slightly of orange sugar, and waved him off.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. I'm going home right after this." He continued to apologize but gave me a grateful look, hesitating. I waved him off again. "It's alright, I swear."

Although I was a little mad I knew I was partly to blame because I hadn't been looking where I was going either, so I couldn't really be that mad at him.

I just bought my stuff and left, sticking my coat and most of my outfit in the washing machine straight away to get rid of the smell. I still wasn't that mad and just really wanted to go to bed after eating a dinner of oven cooked stuff that really wasn't good for me, and I was too exhausted to even play video games.

After my dinner I stripped down to my boxers, fell flat on my bed and passed out, glad to be back home.


It was the following evening that I finally got back online and Jerome contacted me through discord to decide on what games to play that evening. I was feeling a little better and much less exhausted and was able to concentrate more as well, Jerome was bright like normal too.

"How've you been?" He asked happily, shooting into the distance.

"Alright." I replied, watching his back. "I've got a funny story actually, I was at the supermarket yesterday after work and wasn't watching where I was going when this guy bumped into me and split Fanta all over me! I couldn't blame him but still."

Jerome was silent for a moment before he burst out laughing, chuckling so loudly that it almost scared me.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Oh my god!" He gasped, cackling, and then it clicked. I recognised the voice, the omg and everything.

"Wait!? That was you?!" I yelped, everything crashing into place. "We ran into each other! We meet each other and didn't know it!"

For a few moments there was only his cackling and I realised that not only had I met Jerome, but I now knew what his face looked like. And holy shit, he was cute too.

"I know! Holy shit I had no idea it was you!" He said, still laughing and grinning. "Do you wanna get into a call? With cams this time?"

"Yeah, why not." I said, turning around to click away on my computer. The two of us had been in calls occasionally before but never with face cam, it was only our voices.

And sure enough, the face that popped up on the other side of the call was the face of the boy who had spilled Fanta all over me the day before. He was grinning and his eyes lit up the second that he saw me, completely confirming that it was him and he recognised me.

"So it was you I spilled the drink all over! At least I don't have to worry for the rest of my life that I spilled a drink all over a strangers coat! God now I can die of embarrassment for other reasons!" I blinked.

"What... other reasons?" I asked suspiciously, but I was still grinning and watched as Jerome's ears went just as red the moment he spilled the drink on me. "Ooooo, you're embarrassed now! Why're you embarrassed!"

Jerome only went redder at that, giggling a little to disguise his embarrassment but he was still as red as a tomato.

"Cause I was upset that I had spilled a drink all over a cute guy, but now I know it was you."

I went red. He thought I was cute. And I thought he was cute too.

I could see this going somewhere.

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