Allergic To The Sun

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Nina's POV

   I wait near the buses for Nikki and Mick. It doesn't take long for everyone to make an appearance. Mick takes my hand and introduces me.
  "This is my niece Nina. She is going to ride with us till we reach LA." He squeezes my hand. "You all need to know she suffers from a rare form of porphyria. She is extremely allergic to the sun so she keeps nighttime hours."
   "Cool to meet you Nina" vince shakes my hand.
    "Damn that must suck." Tommy comments. He remembers his manners. "Oh it's nice to meet you."
    "It's ok I've learned to live with it and it's nice to meet you too." I give him a sweet smile.
   "Ok guys lets get this show on the road." Nikki ushers me and Donna onto to the bus. Mick follows us on. I give Donna an appreciative sniff making sure Nikki sees earning me a dirty look. I smirk back. He places himself between us as they sit. I smile I couldn't harm her even if I really wanted to. The blood bond goes both ways on this. He already told me no, but I'm not gonna tell him that. I grab a notepad on the table and begin to draw Mick. So I'm a little jealous. I think of Nikki and Mick as mine. Nothing lovey dovey just being possessive. It's a vampire thing. I watch her out of the corner of my eye as I draw. She is also a full grown woman with the potential to have babies. I always wanted babies and She's here because she wants just that. She should do some mental exercises to strengthen her mind. Her thoughts are loud. I sigh. I know if I was thinking as an adult it's not her fault I am what I am. But the fifteen year old is feeling spiteful and irritable. I glare at her as she brushes her lips against his.
  "Ugh" I goan as I toss the pencil down. I move to the couch and flop.
   "Awe I think someone has a crush." Donna whispers to Nikki. I can hear you and I do not. I roll to face the wall.
   "I really doubt that." Nikki whispers back. You know something else that's got me pissy is I'm hungry again and William didn't even try to say goodbye. I miss him already. I know I don't feel anything once I slip into oblivion when the sun raises, but it's nice to know I'm in his arms as I close my eyes. I pretend to be asleep as Nikki and Donna head to the back bed and close the door. I groan out loud I can hear everything.  Oh my god her thoughts are loud. This is gonna be a long ass night.

Nikki's POV

    It's close to dawn when I wake to sounds of whimpering. It's Nina I wonder what's wrong as I slide quickly out of bed and pull on my pants. Finding her curled up on the couch I kneel down next to her.
   "Nina what's wrong baby?" I can't believe I'd just practically cooed to this little monster especially since she just recently threatened my wife. I help her sit up slowly and she buries her head against my chest. She is shaking with fear. I fold my arms around her and hold her close. Her body relaxes weakly in my arms and I kiss the top of her head. Her arms encircle my neck I let her pull me down. She nuzzles into my neck. I take a deep breath her scent is so sweet. She sinks her teeth gently into my skin the euphoria hits my brain like a soft freight train. I moan I thought tasting her was amazing. Even knowing she could kill me. I crush her to my body.  She sighs and lets go. I feel so buzzed and I'm hard as rock. I wonder if vampires have sex. Noticing the sun is rising grounds me. That's the reason for her weakness and her fear. Feeling her go limp in my arms I look at her face her eyes are closed. She looks so innocent. I lay her gently on her side and tug the curtains around her to shield her from any stray sunlight. I guess we need to get a trunk for her to sleep in so she feels safer.
    Turning I see Mick smirking at me.
     "Nice isn't it." He sighs. That's an understatement if I ever heard one.
     "Mick she can kill you and make you like it." I sit next to him. "Have you thought about what or who she feeds on to survive.
     "I try not to Nikki."
     "We should shouldn't we? We're protecting a her." I ponder.
      "I prefer to think of our little vampire groupie as a hunter."
      "Vampire groupie?" I laugh.
      "Yes she feeds primarily off of musicians and their fans." He grins. "Hey Nikki if it bothers you so much follow her tonight when she goes off by herself to hunt.
     "I think I will" I say.
    "Good now that is settled go back to bed." He pushes me off the couch so he can lay back down. As I silently make my way back to bed I look to the front of the bus the driver has the curtains pulled to give us our privacy. I hope he didn't see anything.  Fuck I'm horny wonder if Donna would get pissed if I woke her up.




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