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* y'all ain't ready for this it's long asf, another thing— watch out for the p.o.v switches)

A year & five months later.

   "King I told yo ass to come in hea and eat" I yelled to the boy  who was probably bothering Alonso who was getting ready, he let Maurice stupid ass talk him into having a bachelor party after I successfully talked him out of it. Twice, it wasn't hard I mean all I did was convince him we would have more fun— which we would. I heard the small boys whine but no feet which made me let out a sharp exhale.  I looked at the small chocolate baby I'm front of me who was giggling at my stress. "You're my favorite now" I said and the chocolate drop only let out more spit mixed with food. I whipped her face with the bib before going to yell at King again but seeing him cheesing in the doorway. "Sit yo ass down" I said and his smile dropped as he rushed to where I had set his plate down.

    "How come I'm the only one excited?" Nayson asked making me roll my eyes.  This boy was simply just overly excited that was all. Like damn maybes he should get married.

    "I go with daddy?" King asked as he took a sip of his juice.

  "No he's going out to be a hoe, you don't need to be around that stuff" I said as I fed another spoon full of yams to Naylani. Tas'hania had gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I was never so glad king had long hair until Tash found out she was having a girl or the small child would've been bald by the time she was 8.

   "Wait, am I allowed to go?" Nayson asked piping up in his seat but I only gave him a small shrug. Nayson was now 17 and could be a hoe if he wanted to be. But then if Nayson was there Alonso would not be a hoe instead he would try to be concerned for Nayson the whole time so maybe he should go.

    "No! If Nay go I go!" King yelled but as soon as I turned to him he lost all the energy he once had. "I go be a ho with daddy"

   "Whose going to be a hoe?" Alonso then asked coming into the dining room. He wore all black button up shirt that wasn't even all the way buttoned up, he had a simple gold cross chain around his neck  and a pair of simple black jeans topping the whole fit off with his triple black foams this boy needed to stay his ass right here. He must've noticed by my face because he planted a few kisses on my face earning a spitty laugh from Naylani. He only smiled at her and gave her a kiss on her chubby cheeks making the four month old grab for him to pick her up.

"Uh uh he's leaving us don't grab for him" I informed as I whipped away her spit.

"Alonso can I go out with you?"

"You can get into a club?" He only responded making Nayson frown.

"Nevermind he is going out to be a hoe" The boy agreed with me finally. I only muttered out an I know and that got an famous eye roll from Alonso who was pouring himself something to drink.

    "Nassiah you had a bachelor party, who knows what you did" he pointed out. "Besides a shit Ton of drugs" he said in a whisper as he probably didn't want king repeating it.

    "Uh that's about it, I came home and tried to get some dick but you was bugging" I informed. Naylani was now done eating the yams so I passed her milk bottle and she started drinking that shit fast as hell. Moments later there was a knock on the door and Nayson rushed to get it.

   "If you don't want me to go I won't go" Alonso finally said our eyes stayed on each other before I shook my head.

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