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Hey people, how's life going? I am really well to be honest, and I am enjoying life. I do have a couple of question about what I should do in future chapters. 

1. THANKS FOR 4.5 K READS! (not a question but fuck it)

2. Do you prefer when it is straight (not really tho) up fluff, or do you prefer when there is less fluff, but more story line? A story line one is the runningforlove chapter, and a straight up fluff one is Cupcakes, Cuddles, and Cuties.

3. Do you prefer OT+ or OTP ? This one is if you prefer more than two people in the relationship, or if you prefer if there are only two people? 

4.  What are you ships do you prefer? I like Jacklyn, Randy, Bronny, and OT6, but what do you all like? 

5. How are you liking the novel so far? 

6. THANKS FOR ALL THE POSITIVE COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS <3 (again not a question, wtf hehe)

7. Do you have any story lines that you would like me to write? 

Anyways, thanks for reading my book, and if you do chose to answer any of these, thank you. See ya soon with a Ralex chapter! Yeah you heard me, I am finally doing Ralex! 

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