John Laurens- Dead Or Alive: Part 2 (c)

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It had been a few days since you had learnt your husband was dead. You hadn't moved from your home, only wearing black and dismissing all of your workers for the meantime, still paying them but not wishing for them to see you in such a stated. You felt like a complete mess but you did not know how to live with John in your life.

You were sat in his favourite chair as you had done for the last few days when the front door opened. You had no idea as to why as no one was meant to be here.

"You are not needed today," you called out, letting your throat croak as it fought the lack of speaking since you dismissed the workers of your home.

"Am I not," a familiar voice said.

Your head shot towards the doorway of the living room to see the person that you had desperately wanted to see over the last few days.

John Laurens, your husband was stood in the doorway, his crooked smile upon his face and although a little bit of a mess, he was still the handsome man you loved.

You jumped up from your seat and rushed to him. Honestly you felt like you had lost your sanity and saw a hallucination of your husband, but your hand reached up to cup his cheek and confirmed that your husband was truly alive and stood in front of you.

"I thought you were dead," you whispered as tears escaped your eyes.

He looked down at you with a gentle smile, using his finger to lift your chin so that he was able to press his lips to yours in a gentle and loving kiss that both of you had longed to for too long.

"I know my love. There was a mix up. The man whom died was John Lawrence, they sent the letter to the wrong wife. I am not glad he died but I am glad to have you back," he smiled softly.

You joyously wrapped your arms around him, glad to have your husband home, even if it had to be at the expense of another innocent man. The two of you held onto each other for longer than what would be deemed normal, but you were just happy to be together and if that meant you didn't let go of him ever again, you would be fine with that.

"I love you dearly, John," you smiled softly.

"I love you too," he smiled in return.


Written by Charlotte.

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