5sos Country Pref: Romania

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"Wait what's going on?" Luke asked seeing a couple of boys from your family lifting you up from your seat at the table lifting you outside being careful not to damage your wedding dress in every way. "Mate, why are they kidnapping your wife?" Michael asked looking weirdly at the direction they were going with you. "I don't know." Luke said standing up as your mother came towards the boys. "It's a Romanic tradition. They're kidnapping her so you have to go find her." She explained. "But I don't know where they went." Luke exclaimed a little bit confused. "Well that is your job to find out. They're not far away though." "Come on then." Ashton laughed standing up from his chair. "Let the treasure begin!" "I know there's a bar down the street. Go get her tiger." Your mother pushed making the 4 guys run out of the room in a search for you.


The weather was lovely as it was the 2nd of Easter and you had brought Calum over to your friend's house to celebrate. "Calum you have to spray perfume on her head." Your mother laughed as Calum was not really getting what was going on currently. "Like this?" He asked whilst spraying on top of your head making you laugh and your mother. "Yes but you have to sing whilst doing it." He looked at the other guys seeing them spray the perfume on some random woman whilst singing. "But I don't understand Romanesque or know how to speak it." He exclaimed trying to catch up with the other guys. After failing completely he stopped in track before thinking for a moment. "I'll just do it the 5SOS way." He laughed as he started to sing What I Like About You whilst keep spraying you making you crack up laughing everyone else doing it as well.


"Why are we outside in the wood again?" Michael asked the earth beneath crunching under his shoes. "Because it's a tradition here. Everyone does it." You laughed looking around. "But what are we looking for?" He questioned trying to look after something as well. "Spring flowers." You mumbled looking around. After searching for a few minutes everyone started to get frustrated. "There." Michael exclaimed running over before pulling out a flower from the dirt coming up to you. "Here." He smiled as you gave him a kiss on the lips. "Michael and Y/N are engaged!" Your little brother yelled making Michael yell out a "What." In confusion. "You see.. When a guy does this it means that we're engaged. For only the rest of the year though." You laughed. "Oh.. Well can't really complain about that." Mikey winked before placing the flower behind your ear making you smile.


"Watch out it's slippy." You laughed as you and Ash almost ran down the path of the street in your old neighborhood the ice on the road making it slippy and unsafe to run." I've got it all under control." Ashton stated smiling at you. It was Christmas Eve and it was actually Ashton's idea to go out Caroling in the neighborhood. As you reached over for your parents' house your heart started to beaten. "Ready to surprise then?" Ashton asked making you nod your head before knocking at the door. You waited for a few seconds before you were met with your mother the joy in her voice indescribable. "Y/N! And Ashton! Come inside!" She said in excitement pulling the both of you inside in the warmth. As you were met with the rest of your family the smile on your face never left. "This is so awesome." Ash commented as your mother gave him yet another piece of candy.

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