Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The sudden presentation of an unconscious Vihaan in the middle of their front yard raised a silent and painful groan in Sanchi's stomach. His dried lips, withered cheeks and terrible crinkles at the corner  of his eyes exhibited a pitiful look of him. He hadn't eaten anything since morning and the hectic events of the entire day had exhausted whatever ounces of glycogen his liver was carrying for survival.

Sanchi, having felt sympathetic for his unavoidable dismay reached her arms out to him to shift his stiffened head to her lap. She began rubbing his palms and cheeks to regain his consciousness.

Chetan rushed to her help with a glass of water and sprinkled it across Vihaan's face. "Brother! You haven't eaten anything since morning, you look very tired."

Sanchi was not able to believe her ears as she was very well aware of the situation Vihaan was put in during the encounter at the mansion. Her palpitation and concern for the son of Virendra disturbed her innocent heart. She felt sorry at the sight of a defeated lion who was lying before her helplessly. 

Without a second thought, she thrust the special cupcake that she was holding, into his mouth. Water from the bottle was poured by Chetan into his mouth while Sanchi's perspiring eyes were not ready to leave his sight. The only thing that she wanted was to see the brave man up on his limbs, safe and secure.


A couple of hours passed and Vihaan had been fast asleep in one of the rooms of the orphanage. The local doctor was summoned by Sanchi and after the thorough examination, the doctor declared that Vihaan had suffered from excessive dehydration and excessive fatigue. He prescribed no medicines except for some rehydrating solution, plenty of water and bowls of soups. He assured them that Vihaan would be fine after taking a long bedrest for a day. Also, Vihaan's wounds were properly treated and bandaged.

Sanchi stood by the balcony next to her room wondering of her unanticipated actions throughout the day since when she met Vihaan. She regretted for the bold fight that she had put up with him but then she realized it was well deserved by him. She was trying hard to shrug off all her brewing thoughts for him but the more she wanted to, the more his thoughts were jamming her brain.

"Ah! Why did I feed him the cup-cake which I had speci-ally bought for the only spe-cial people in my life? In so many years, it was only one per-son in my family who had loved me dear-ly and I had shared the cup-cake ever with only her. My grand-mother was the only one who took care of me and taught me how to face the moc-kery of people bravely. For the first time, I shared the cup-cake with some-one else, other than my grand-mother."

Sanchi wasn't able to come to peace with her brain and her heart, when she felt a light pat on her shoulder. Sister Maria stood next to her with a pale look on her face and Sanchi easily figured out there was something wrong with her. "Maria, is every-thing good? Are you upset that I deci-ded to keep Vihaan Sir here till the time he's fit and ready to leave? If that is so, there's noth-ing to be scared of him. He's an hon-est cop and I some-what know him thro-ugh his father."

"No baby, I'm not scared or upset with your decision. You can never take bad decisions and I've known you. I am worried for something else. You know it right?" Maria said, her eyes deepening with worries.

"I know but as I have promi-sed, I'll make every-thing alright for the chil-dren."

"Sanchi, this isn't the matter of children anymore. It also holds your respect and life at stake, and I'm afraid." Maria wiped the wet corner of her eyes.

Sanchi stepped ahead and clutched Maria's palm. "I know you people love me and can't see any-thing wrong happen-ing with me. But beli-eve me, nothing wrong will take place."

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