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"Can you not actually think that I'm thinking about moving to a farm no way in hell Zach." I scoffed while folding laundry in our room. "I wouldn't want that for us we're happy here Jordan has friends your career is here we are not moving."


"Zach it's not even crossing my brain would it be the easiest way to raise our kid yes but this is reality where we have people constantly looking at us okay so end of discussion okay we are staying in la." I explained and Zach nodded.

"Okay." Zach sighed walking out of the room.

"Why would you do that Zach we aren't moving to a farm or ranch we are staying in la I thought we discussed this our kid is not-."

"You discussed Emery I didn't have a say what if it is for the best you and Jordan go-."

"I'm not going anywhere without you we are staying put in la with you she's not growing up without a father and we aren't going anywhere without you." I sighed while leaning on the counter.

"But it's the best if she goes to a smaller school then she has more time with her teachers-."

"No zach because if we go then there goes our parent ship there goes our marriage we aren't going anywhere unless you're with us and you are not quitting the band I won't let you-."

"You won't let me Since when is it your decision to make." Zach yelled and I sighed.

"Zach you're happy we're happy your friends are here Jordan's friends are here we aren't moving Okay this is where we are staying we are staying put Okay this band if you quite you're throwing one of the best things you've had in a while out the window-."

"You and Jordan are the best things in my life and I want to be with you don't you think if we move it would be better be away from the city where we didn't depend on everyone else we'd be alone we wouldn't have to worry about fans we'd be safer it would be quiet we'd be alone we could start fresh a new life wouldn't you like that." Zach explained holding my hands. I shook my head.

"Zach we can't we're happy here everything's perfect-."

"But your parents obviously know where we are and think about it this away Jordan would have plenty of space to run and play she'd grow up happy she'd go to a small school have plenty of friends we'd have more time for our family we'd have more time together we'd never have to be apart again we'd have more vacation time I wouldn't cut music out forever I'd still do music I'd still go on tour but for shorter time and less often please Emery this could be a once in a life time chance for us people like us don't get to go back baby come on this could be our future." Zach pleaded and I sighed looking at the guys. "They'll understand."

"But we can't take Jordan from them she's grown so fond of coming home to all of us eating dinner with us going out together why would you want to change any of it." I asked while looking at him in disbelief. "We're so happy."

"We aren't cutting the guys out forever we'd still see them all the time just not daily Okay we'd be okay they'd be okay Jordan would be okay Why is this so hard for you-."

"Because I dropped out for this I was gonna go to college and now I feel like I did it for nothing it's been two years and you're already quitting I guess footballs the only thing you can stay in." I scoffed pushing him off me and walking upstairs to our bedroom. Zach ran up after me and banged on the door.

"What's that supposed to mean Emery I've stayed loyal to you since day one I just thought maybe we'd be happy and free I'm sorry Emery I am okay please think about it think about how we'd-come on Emery open the door please." Zach sighed while knocking on the door. I sighed and opened the door. "I've thought about this a lot baby I thought this would be a good start you know we'd be ourselves not depending on anyone we'd be our own family baby."

"It's gonna be so different and you know I hate different." I sighed while wiping my tears away.

"I know baby but this could bring us together more together we could start more of our family together be a normal couple." Zach sighed while wiping my tears away. "Don't cry baby I didn't want to make you cry but this could be what's best for us all the land you and Jordan could learn to ride horses do cheer when we have some boys we can ride around on dirt bikes and four wheelers we could find a place on the lake or river and have a rope swing our kids wouldn't be drawn to social media as much." Zach's explained and I nodded.

"Okay let me think I hate taking Jordan away from this." I sighed while he wrapped his arms around me.

"Yeah." He whispered barring his head in my shoulder. 

Pregnant at 15// Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now