Chapter 6

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Diggy- *looks at you* So what kind of things do you like?

Y/N- *confused face* *looks at him* Why?

Diggy- *shrugs* I don’t know, I just never asked you that question before

Y/N- *puts down soda* Well… I love food, shopping, music, thrills, star-gazing is amazing and… sunny weather. You don’t get much of that out here

Diggy- Anything else?

Y/N- Of course but I’m not gonna list my whole life out for you tho. Again, why?

Diggy- Cause I promise that I will give you all those things in two weeks time..

Y/N- What? I’m not here in two weeks… 

Diggy- Exactly. But I promise you, you’ll have them all

Y/N- Get outta here

Diggy- *chuckles*

*a week later*

Angela- *on the phone* So.. you excited?

Y/N- Of course, I’m screaming inside.. ah, I’m gonna be in LA this time next week!

Angela- You’re gonna love it so much, I have to show you everything it has to offer. You won’t forget it

Y/N- I hope I won’t.

Angela- But remember, we got two days of nothing but fun and then it’s on with the work, that’s important.

Y/N- *walks in coffee shop* I know…

Angela- I was actually bout to email you everything and the details of the shoot.

Y/N- Please do, it’ll be helpful

Angela- Alright cool talk to you later..

Y/N- *walks to a table* Bye Ang.. *hangs up*

Mom- *looks at you* Who’s Angela?

Y/N- My boss. She’s the one that signed me to the Pastry line. I model for her and everything

Mom- Is she nice?

Y/N- She’s the best person. She has a good work ethic

Mom- And who’s Diggy?

Y/N- Her brother…

Mom- Oh okay.

Y/N- He’s a nice guy. 

Mom- He’s been at the apartment almost every time I visit you

Y/N- He’s just visiting me too. He’s cool.

Mom- Something going on there?

Y/N- .. No mom

Mom- You’re hiding something from me, what is it?

Y/N- Nothing.. please, that’s her brother. My boss’s brother

Mom- What does Drew think of him?

Y/N- I don’t care what Drew thinks of him. He’s my friend, not Drew’s

Mom- I’ll take that as, he doesn’t like him a lot then

Y/N- Like hell he doesn’t. 

Waitress- *walks over* Here is your order… cappuccino’s and chocolate almond cake

Y/N- *looks at her* Chocolate almond cake?

Mom- Yeah, it’s nice

Y/N- Chocolate?

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