Chapter 22

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Trevor- *laughs*

Y/N- It’s not funny!

Trevor- It is, I ain’t never seen someone spill and snort yogurt up their nose..

Y/N- I swear I’ma hit you in a minute

Trevor- *grabs a tissue* *wipes your shirt* All better…

Y/N- *looks at the shirt* Ugh, no it’s not. It needs to be washed.. thank God I have a jacket

Trevor- Thank God I helped clean it up *wipes the yogurt off your nose* *smiles* All better

Y/N- *smiles* Today was fun.. you’re a good actor.

Trevor- It was just a video shoot, no worries… you ain’t too bad yourself.

*your phone rings*

Y/N- *picks it up* Urgh…

Trevor- What?

Y/N- This guy… he’s so annoying, keeps calling my phone

Trevor- Boyfriend?

Y/N- *scoffs* You’re funny… but no, not anymore. *declines call*

Trevor- I’m sorry about that..

Y/N- Things change but.. thanks. Well I’ma get changed right about now. I’m so hungry

Trevor- Wanna grab a bite to eat?

Y/N- Sounds cool, where?

Trevor- I’ll surprise you. But first, I’ll go get changed… *walks away*

*a while later* *phone rings again*

Y/N- *pulls on shirt* Fucking hell… *answers it* What do you want?

Diggy- You.

Y/N- *rolls eyes* Please, you have girls all over you

Diggy- They ain’t you. Y/N, come on, what’s with you?

Y/N- Me? Really? You need to take a step back and look at what you’ve been doing

Diggy- You need to turn around.. *ends call*

Y/N- *turns around* *sees him* What are you doing here?

Diggy- *walks up to you* I came for my girlfriend… *tries to touch you*

Y/N- *pulls back* Your girlfriend isn’t here…

Diggy- No she is and she’s right in front of me..

Trevor- *walks out* Y/N, you okay?

Y/N- I’m fine. Don’t worry, we’ll go in a minute. Just give me a minute..

Trevor- *leaves*

Diggy- *looks at you* *almost whispers* Seriously, you and him?

Y/N- What do you mean me and him? You don’t care…

Diggy- Of course, you’re my girl..

Y/N- Diggy, you gotta get this in your head… we’re over. We ended a month ago, I’m fed up of you right now

Diggy- *holds your hands* But I need you

Y/N- And I don’t!

Diggy- Alright, but tell me why you left… is there someone else?

Y/N- *pauses* There was. 

Diggy- So you cheated?

Y/N- What? I didn’t even go there… I didn’t cheat and you know that. But you’re the one acting single and as soon as your album goes platinum, you forgot who you were

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