Chapter 19

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Diggy- What do you mean a little bitch?

Y/N- *looks at him* Just… don’t worry about it. Don’t tell him I said anything though

Diggy- Oh okay..

After we stayed up for a few hours, we went to bed.. well Diggy did. I struggled to sleep. The only think on my mind was what lies did Sienna feed him? I wasn’t the type to dwell on things, only if they bothered me and this really did. Spin told me to keep my space from him and Sienna and if he wants it that way? Fine. He can do whatever with that bitch.

*a few months later*

Spin- *walks in* …Ah it was amazing! You shoulda seen the ultrasounds…

Diggy- I er.. I didn’t really wanna see em

Spin- I’m so excited for this baby though..

Diggy- *under his breath* Yeah.. *walks in the kitchen* Hey babe..

Y/N- *smiles at him* Hi.. *kisses his cheek* you okay?

Diggy- I’m real good, whatchu cooking?

Y/N- Just some dinner.. I felt in the mood for salad, steak and fries…

Diggy- Damn when you said salad, I thought it’d be healthy.. 

Y/N- *chuckles* *looks at Spin* Oh hi Spin…

Spin- Mm.. *nods and looks away*

Y/N- *raises her eyebrows* *continues cooking*

Diggy- *looks at him* *looks at you* Am I missing something?

Y/N- *looks at him* Like what?

Diggy- What’s going on between you?

Spin- *looks at him confused* Nothin.. why?

Diggy- Just asking. Some weird atmosphere around here.

Y/N- *shrugs* It’s whatever

I carried on cooking me and Diggy’s lunch and after a few minutes, Spin said goodbye to Diggy but didn’t even acknowledge me when he left the house. I can’t say that he wasn’t even an ounce of being my friend because he was. We had a lot in common and we got on like brother and sister, or even cousins. To lose someone like that, even though your boyfriend’s friends aren’t really your friends… it hurts.


Y/N- *picks at her food* So he’s really going through with this baby huh?

Diggy- Yeah he is.. *eats food*

Y/N- He’s really falling in a trap. I can’t believe he did that..

Diggy- Did what?

Y/N- Get her pregnant and all that.. they were only dating for two months..

Diggy- Yeah, I know.. *phone rings* *stares at it*

Y/N- *looks at the phone* *looks at him* You gonna get that? The ringing is annoying..

Diggy- Yeah, yeah.. *picks it up and answers it* Hello?

Sienna- *on the phone* Your baby is six months old as of today! Aren’t you happy?

Diggy- Um, yeah… not really…

Sienna- I thought you would be.

Diggy- Well look at the situation, should I really be happy?

Y/N- *looks at him confused*

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