Chapter 32

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Y/N- You’re actually not serious…

Dushane- I’m sorry sis, but it happened..

Diggy- *raises his hand* Can I ask… how?

Dushane- *sighs* I went to LA a few months ago and we were out partying and having fun… I bumped into Kendall and she remembered me and Kylie was with her at the club

Y/N- I wasn’t ever told this..

Diggy- Kendall doesn’t tell you everything and vice versa…

Y/N- *rolls her eyes*

Dushane- So me and Kylie got.. acquainted… and we hit it off, she came back to my hotel room and.. *shrugs*

Y/N- What do you mean *imitates his shrug* You mean the condom never came out but your dick went in…

Mom- Y/N go easy on him..

Y/N- No! All my life I went easy on him and he’s quick to point out my flaws… when I cheated, when I broke up with Dig, even when I was with Trevor…

Dushane- And we know why…

Y/N- I can’t believe you were so stupid… she’s pregnant! You know what this means? You’re gonna be a father! You’re gonna have a baby to take care of.. and where? You still live with mom…

Dushne- *starts to break down* Y/N please… don’t be mad at me…

Y/N- Why fucking not! You’re so stupid!

Diggy- Y/N, that’s enough..

Dushane- *cries* I’m sorry, isn’t it enough?!

Y/N- No, it never is! You’re an idiot… you know what, I didn’t come here for this, I’m gone.. talk to me in a few days.. *grabs her stuff and leaves*

Diggy- *sighs* Sorry bout this.. *hugs Mom* I’ll see you later. *looks at Dushane* Call me for anything..

Dushane- *nods*

Diggy- *leaves*

*at Diggy’s apartment*

Y/N- *walks in* *sits on the couch*

Diggy- *looks at you* Y/N…

Y/N- *quietly* What?

Diggy- You okay?

Y/N- No, I’m not.. he’s made a huge mistake…

Diggy- It’s his mistake…

Y/N- But he’s my brother…

Diggy- And you made him cry.

Y/N- He deserved it. It’s what he needs to hear.. he’s just a kid. He can’t look after a baby

Diggy- *puts his arm around you* He’s a kid. He makes mistakes and you need to be there to support him when he does.

Y/N- Alright.. but listen to this. My best friend is gonna be my sister-in-law because of this. It’s so weird and I can’t even think about what’s gonna happen next…


*the next day*

Kendall- *walks in the kitchen* Okay so what did you wanna tell me?

Kylie- Okay, but I mean it when I say you can’t tell mom. Or Khloe, Kourtney, Brody, Jaden… no one.

Kendall- Alright..

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