Chapter 48

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Y/N- *pauses and looks at him* Hold up. Son? You..

Diggy- *nods* Yeah.. *picks his son up*

Y/N- *screws her face at him and stutters* You.. and.. *looks at Justine* And her.. and him… but..

Diggy- I don’t expect you to understand.. *grabs your hand*

Y/N- *slides his hand off* Hold on, you pull this shit on me and expect me to be okay with it? Are you forreal right now Diggy?!

Diggy- I just..

Y/N- You what?! What did you think you’d get out of me?! A smile? A “welcome to the family” kind of greeting? 

Diggy- No bu—

Y/N- Are you dumb?

Diggy- *confused look* The fuck? No.

Justine-  *laughs quietly to herself*

Y/N- *looks at her* And what the fuck is so funny?

Justine- To think he was with you at first and went back to you last is just… *laughs a little* You’re just as crazy as I am really.

Y/N- I am nothing like you. At all. You have no idea of who I am

Justine- Really? I know you cheated on your ex with him, you cheated on your other ex with him and your ex-husband with him. You’re something else. At least I’m not a hoe

Y/N- *lunges for her* 

Diggy- *pushes you back and grabs your wrist* Stop, now!

Y/N- *snatches away and glares at him* I’m so done here.

Diggy- *pulls you* You’re not going.

Y/N- All I wanted was a peaceful weekend with you. But you drag me all the way to New York to meet your ex-wife and your son who you just left here? What about parenting? You’re playing happy families with me for weeks and you have a son across the country

Diggy- If you lemme explain, it isn’t li—

Y/N- Don’t even talk to me. *scoffs* You’re fucked up and I’m going.. *walks away*

This fucking guy. Like what the actual fuck? What?! He got me fucked up. You can’t just drop that on me like that. You have this whole other history and baggage with another woman that you kept a secret for so long then you wanna pretend you’re hiding nothing? Or even that we’re both being honest with each other? 

I went straight to the hotel suite and checked myself in. I was so tempted to go back to LA too but I’m not the girl to leave just like that Instead I waited. I did want an explanation. It had me so fucked up, unbelievable. I couldn’t get my head around it. I was pacing the room, thinking, talking to myself, cursing aloud, trying to figure out how the fuck he was such a good liar. Eventually I’d talked to myself about it for so long, my silence was enough to show how pissed off I was.

*later on*

Diggy- *comes in the room*

Y/N- *stares at the tv* *eats popcorn*

Diggy- *sighs* Y/N.

Y/N- *clenches jaw* *ignores him*

The sound of his voice was irritating me. He’d only been in this room for ten seconds and I wanted to put my hands around his neck and strangle that stupid bitch.

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