Chapter 46

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*a month later*

Judge- *looks over her glasses* And where is your husband Mrs Marquez?

Y/N- That’s the thing your honour, I don’t know. I’m sure he’s dragging the divorce out by being absent during the dates

Judge- Hm.. well, we can’t do anything unti—

*doors open*

Y/N- *looks to the back*

Jermaine- *walks in* Sorry I’m late.. *glares at you*

Lawyer- *whispers to you* Stay calm.

Judge- Mr Marquez, take your position

Jermaine- *stands with his lawyer*

Judge- Picking up from where we left off… what conditions are you divorcing your wife?

Jermaine- *clears throat* Adultery and desertion. She not only fled our home with my children and refused me to see them for two weeks, she’s a cheat. Deceitful, spiteful and slept with numerous men during our marriage. *looks at you* She couldn’t keep her legs closed if any other man passed her way…

Y/N- *looks at him* How dare you..

Judge- *looks at you both* Your wife on the other hands states that your applicated divorce is on the account of marital abuse.. physical and emotional.

Y/N- *nods*

Jermaine- *shrugs* She’s a liar.

Y/N- *stares at him*

Lawyer- *puts his hand on your shoulder* Don’t…

Y/N- *clenches her fists*

Jermaine- I want an annulment. I feel that this marriage was a fraud your honour. She didn’t love me nor fully commit to this marriage.

Y/N- *bangs fist on the table* I loved you more thann anything, even myself..!

Judge- Mrs Marquez, please!

Y/N- *eyes start to water* I gave him two little girls and suffered because I was scared of losing him… how much more commitment do you need Jermaine?!

Jermaine- *looks at you* *looks away* I didn’t even want to divorce her.

Judge- *shrugs* Yet here we are. You want to change to an annulment.. may I ask why?

Jermaine- This marriage was a fraud your honor. That’s it.

Judge- *looks at the papers* Neither of you agreed on a prenutial agreement.. is that right?

Y/N- *looks up*

Jermaine- No we didn’t. We thought we’d never be in this position..

Y/N- *looks down*

I hated this court hearing the most.. not only was this only the second time he was appearing in court in just the few months he’d been absent for, he completely changed the grounds of divorce. He wanted full custody of our daughters.. but if that was so, would he have left California to escape the hearings and be further from them?

Not only that, he wanted both estates, most of our possessions we’d obtained during the marriage and $2million in alimony.. what for?? He earned a lot more than me!

The next hearing was the following week and I dreaded it. I just wanted to have this part of my life erased…

*that evening*

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