Chapter 25

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I threw my phone on my bag in the passenger seat. I was thinking too much when driving, swear I almost swerved into the pavement back there.. i thought long and hard about what just happened. Did he just say he loved me? Trevor just said he loved me?

I mean I liked him too, not enough to go so far, I wasn’t making that mistake again… I mean twice that I’ve hurt others and myself was too much. More like a choice if I let it happen again. I had to think.. to breathe. He really caught me off guard, that was not what I was expecting to hear. I stopped the car, took a breather then got back on the road to Kendall’s.

Y/N- *closes the door* *walks upstairs*

Kendall- Oh hey… *studies you* Y/N…?

Y/N- *walks past her*

Kendall- Woah, what’s up with you? 

Y/N- Things happened..

Kendall- Good or bad?

Y/N- *looks at her* What do you think? *slams her door*

Kendall- *turns on her heel* Woah…

I sat on my bed and thought about it all.. now for the part I hated. The feelings part. How did I feel about this? I don’t know. I feel like him saying he loved me meant it was moving so fast.. I needed this so go much slower.. way slower than before. I’m friends with Diggy and Trevor loves me and we were halfishly seeing each other.. I just got changed, washed my face and got into bed, without a second thought of today being wasted and I fell asleep…

*the next morning*

Selena- *walks in your room* *knocks on the door* (your initial)? Get up, I made you breakfast…

Y/N- *grumbles in pillow* Everyone fuck off…

Selena- *rolls eyes* Like I haven’t heard you say that before… come on, get up and eat. It’s getting late..

Y/N- *sits up slowly* What?

Selena- It’s already 12:30.. so I made you breakfast and lunch. *sits on the bed*

Y/N- Brunch?

Selena- No that’s between them.. see, a bacon sandwich and a chicken salad

Y/N- Thanks.. Selena, if I get any guests, can you tell them to leave?

Selena- *looks at you* Why?

Y/N- I just.. *sighs* You know me, right?

Selena- *nods*

Y/N- So you know how I feel about showing feelings…

Selena- Just tell me what happened

Y/N- Trevor said he loved me.

Selena- Woah..

Y/N- I know.

Selena- He really fell for you huh?

Y/N- I can’t rush this. it’s too soon.. I feel a lotta pressure right now

Selena- And Kendall and I were thinking you hooked up with Diggy or something..

Y/N- Oh God, no..

Selena- So you feel like it’s too soon.. but ho do you feel about him?

Y/N- *pauses* He’s like the nicest person int he world. He doesn’t care about my flaws.. he brings me flowers, visits me in bed, treats me like a lady.. it’s amazing. I feel like I’m gonna hurt him and I really like him…

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