Chapter 41

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*the next morning*

Y/N- *walks in the kitchen* Morning Sasha… *kisses her head* Good morning baby… *kisses Jermaine’s cheek and hugs him from behind* Waddup son?

Jermaine- *murmurs* Morning.. *fries eggs*

Y/N- *backs away and looks at him* What’s up with you?

Jermaine- *shakes head* Nothin…

Y/N- *folds her arms* Jermaine Antonio Marquez, tell me what the hell is wrong with you

Sasha- *looks at you both from her high chair*

Jermaine- *turns around* Where were you last night?

Y/N- I was sleeping, why?

Jermaine- You got up at like 3am and didn’t come back for half an hour..

Y/N- I heard a noise and I went downstairs to check it out and grab some water… that’s it. *goes in the fridge*

Jermaine- *fries the eggs some more* So how’s Diggy?

Y/N- *pauses and stutters* Um… he’s alright, I guess. I wouldn’t know for sure.. why? *closes the fridge*

Jermaine- You gotta stop lying to me..

Y/N- I’m not Jermaine! Drop it man

Jermaine- No, cause I’m gonna ask you one more time Y/N.. Where did you go last night?

Y/N- *sighs and looks at Sasha* Fine.. I.. 

Jermaine- You were with Diggy.

Y/N- *looks at him* Yeah… fine. I was with him. He came by the house last night, called me out of my sleep and took me for a ride..

Jermaine- A ride on the car or a ride on his dick?

Y/N- *hits him angrily* Jermaine!

Sasha- *whimpers a little*

Y/N- *picks her up* How can you even think that?

Jermaine- What am I meant to think? If it was nothing, you woulda told me..

Y/N- *raises eyebrow* At 3am? Really?

Jermaine- Or even come clean to me when I first asked you a minute ago. Look, I can’t even believe you’re seeing him and I fully told you not to

Y/N- I’m sorry.. but he’s a longtime friend

Jermaine- And sexual partner?

Y/N- Bu.. *stops talking* Nah, you’re still on that?

Jermaine- Yeah.

Y/N- *walks up and holds his cheek* We’re married. He’s nothing compared to you. Nothing but an ex.

Jermaine- For some reason, every time you tell me that, I don’t believe you

Y/N- Why would I have agreed to put this ring on my finger?

Jermaine- Because it cost hundreds and thousands of dollars?

Y/N- *hits him* 

Jermaine- *laughs*

Y/N- The last thing I am is a gold digger…

Jermaine- Aite.. but babe, I don’t like you seeing him..

Y/N- Why not?

Jermaine- *holds your shoulders* Look at your history. Drew and you. Diggy was always in the picture. Trevor and you.. Diggy was still in the picture…

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