Chapter 49

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I wanted to tell Diggy what my surprise was so badly.. I really wanted to. But since he wasn’t telling me his, I guess I was playing it childishly then. We both tried to get the other to spill the information the whole of Sunday, but it didn’t work either way so we agreed to give up and leave it until the third day. Tuesday.

Chris- *picks up Kioka* You’re so big and pretty now, just like your mommy!

Y/N- *hits him*

Chris- What?

Y/N- Shut up, I am not big

Chris- *gives you the side eye*

Y/N- Just.. just get outta here

Chris- *laughs* I didn’t come over for nothin. I came to talk to Dig.

Y/N- *confused* Why?

Chris- *shrugs* He needed me so he called me up. How’s things with Justine?

Y/N- She’s cool.

Chris- You sure she doesn’t have any other motives for you? Like death?

Y/N- Chris, she isn’t like that. She and Diggy have been over for years, she has her own life and just wants us to be happy together

Chris- And you’re taking on her son just like that?

Y/N- If Diggy can literally just adopt Sasha and Kioka into his life, I can do the same with Joshua

Diggy- *comes downstairs* I thought I heard you *daps Chris*

Y/N- He said you called him over here?

Diggy- Yeah I did…

Y/N- Can I ask why?

Diggy- You can but I can’t tell you. So stay out of it hun

Y/N- *pouts at him*

Chris- She’s pulling that ugly face again, please make her stop

Y/N- *kicks him* Aite. Since y’all wanna be mean to me and everything, you can look after the girls while me and Joshua pay Kendall and mom a visit

Diggy- Fine. You’ll be no use to us anyway

Y/N- *rolls eyes* Whatever..

*at Kendall’s*

Kendall- *taps her wine glass and shakes her head* You guys are childish

Y/N- *laughs* Kendall, we don’t care, we’re happy. My heart is happy. We have this little blended family and.. I’m happy.

Joshua- Aunt Kenny, can I have some more juice? I really like it.

Kendall- Glad to hear it.. *pours Joshua more juice* *sips her wine* You sure you don’t want any?

Y/N- One, I’m detoxing, two, I only drink red with dinner and three, we’re about to go to the restaurant, I really don’t want a drink right now. 

Kendall- *shrugs* *leaves with you*

I loved being out with Joshua. Justine was more than comfortable for me to be with him. I reassured her that I didn’t wanna replace her. He saw his mom all the time, her and Diggy had shared custody and I knew I’d never replace her. His mom would always be his mom. 

I liked being out with him, but I hated the paparazzi. I always wanted to shield the kids from them and not expose them, but what could I do? I signed up for this life, but the children didn’t. Josh was confident, he waved and smiled at them and was nice. The press tried to link me to Josh and Justine, but they didn’t catch on. Not at all.

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