Chapter 30, Part One

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Y/N- Um… I don’t think that’s a good idea..

Diggy- Why not? Like you said, we’re going at a good pace and things get lonely around here…

Y/N- *takes his arm from around her* Okay.. *looks at him* Where do you think we are in this relationship?

Diggy- I would say but *looks away*

Y/N- *turns his head* But what?

Diggy- Like I said, I don’t wanna say. I thought we were getting a lil serious

Y/N- Diggy

Diggy- What?

Y/N- I don’t wanna get so serious…

Diggy- So why am I here at 3am drinking wine? *gets up*

Y/N- *pulls him* Listen to me, don’t just run off like this *pulls him on the couch*

Diggy- *sits down* *looks at you*

Y/N- I like where we are.. where I think we are. We’re hanging like friends and to the world, we’re close but when the doors are closed, we’re lovers. I don’t wanna define us yet. You see where I was at before and it was kinda rushed..

Diggy- Yeah

Y/N- *holds his hand* *straddles him* I want us to be a little more careful

Diggy- Sexually or…?

Y/N- *chuckles* Yes sexually.. and emotionally. I want us to really care about each other and not rush into anything. For the sake of both of us, okay?

Diggy- Alright. 

Y/N- *smiles*

Diggy- But it don’t feel like we’re lovers…

Y/N- Then I can show you.. *kisses him* *takes his hand and leads him upstairs*

*the next morning*

Diggy- *wakes up* Urgh… *looks at you sleeping* *gets out of bed*

Last night was amazing, I can’t deny that. All i saw were clothes on the floor and a bottle of unfinished wine on the floor. I forgot I had this shoot this morning and I was bout to be late… I quickly got up and changed and grabbed what I brought to her house then her phone started ringing… I looked at it but I didn’t answer it. I went to my car to start it… but the car wouldn’t start. Great. I saw Y/N’s keys on the coffee table, wrote her a note and put it by her bed, kissed her cheek and left.


I woke up and I must have had too much wine to even be this dizzy. Once my head was straight and I could see, I sat up to see Diggy… but he was gone. I was confused. His stuff was gone too. I didn’t take it personally. Last night proved a lot. I saw a note and read it… he took my car, he’d be back later.. and Bey called me. Shit.

Y/N- *dials number* *phone rings*

Bey- *answers* It’s about damn time!

Y/N- I’m sorry! I was busy last night…

Bey- Busy or getting busy?

Y/N- *laughs* Shut up

Bey- So this morning.. I have a lotta work and some stuff I wanna go through with you.. can you make it to the city?

Y/N- I don’t have my car, Diggy took it…

Bey- Diggy?

Y/N- Yeah…

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