Chapter 50

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*months later*

Diggy- *lays on your lap* So.. what should we call her?

Y/N- *looks at him* Dig, you know it’s a boy.

Diggy- *laughs* Right..

Y/N- I know you wanted a little girl.. but you’ve had enough practice with Kioka and Sasha. I thought you’d really want another boy when we heard we were expecting…

Diggy- I thought I didn’t mind, but I kinda had my heart set on having a baby girl. You know, painting her room pink and protecting her from boys when she’s older. A little daddy’s girl..

Y/N- *smiles* Babe, that’s sweet.. but remember, Kioka. 

Diggy- Her dad would wanna do that for her, I’m not really her dad…

Y/N- *turns his chin* Hey.. that’s no reason to think you’re any less of a man in her life. She still needs you. Maybe moreso than she’ll need her father, I don’t know. But she loves you.

Diggy- And I love her too *kisses your cheek* *lays on your lap* *plays with your fingers*

Y/N- How are we even gonna afford everything we need…

Diggy- You still worrying about that?

Y/N- I didn’t grow up rich like you. Money is still a worry to me. I mean, all the baby stuff we have to get, the diapers, clothes every month because babies grow so quickly… then daycare.. and then the other three kids and their school fees…

Diggy- *holds you hands* Like I said, don’t worry about it babe. We got money

Y/N- I haven’t been working for a while now and you’re never home anymore. You’re always flying all over the country almost every week. How are we gonna do this?

Diggy- I’m handling the money. We’ve got money. So much of it.

Y/N- From where?

Diggy- I’ll worry about that *tries to get up*

Y/N- *pulls him* Daniel, from where?

Diggy- *laughs* Babe, I was kidding.

*door opens* 

Roger- Anybody home?! *walks in* Hey fam..

Diggy- *daps him* Wassup Rog…

Y/N- *clears her throat* 

Roger- Yeah, I didn’t forget you… *laughs and hugs you*

Y/N- Yeah, no, it’s not that.

Roger- *looks at you* What?

Y/N- When did you get a key?

Roger- *points at Diggy* He gave me a spare

Y/N- *looks at him crazy* So.. you’re just handing out keys to anyone now?

Diggy- Roger’s not just anyone

Y/N- I know he’s homie and y’all are close.. but this is our home, our privacy?

Diggy- What about your mom having a key? Isn’t that worse?

Y/N- How?

Diggy- At least when Roger walks in, he won’t take the kids without us knowing and he won’t almost walk in on us having sex…

Y/N- *grinds her teeth* Aite, fine. Only for emergencies.. what you doing here anyway? 

Roger- Came to take the boy out

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