Chapter 18

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Diggy- You gotta leave.. *starts pushing her out* 

Sienna- *stops and smiles at him* What? Why, I’m the mother of your child…

Diggy- You can’t keep that child..

Sienna- Why not? I can keep it if I want to, it’s my body..

Diggy- And my child too. You can’t keep it Sienna, I’m sorry

Sienna- I don’t care Diggy…

Diggy- *grabs her* If Y/N finds out you’re carrying my child.. if Spin of all people finds out, my sister, my family.. it’s over for me.

Sienna- Shoulda thought of that before you fucked your sister’s model and your bestfriend’s girl

Diggy- You weren’t his girl then!

Sienna- I am now.

Diggy- You can’t ruin what I have.. you’ll ruin your career. You’re the same age as me, we have our whole lives to have our own families.. taking care of a child is a lotta work Sienna

Sienna- I can balance that and you can learn to too

Diggy- I want you to have an abortion. Please.. I know it sounds so… rude and horrible for me to ask that of you but please.

Sienna- And I want you to realise that this baby will be raised by me…

Diggy- Just.. please, leave.

Sienna- *scoffs* I wonder what kind of father you’ll be… you don’t even want this kid *walks away*


Spin- I can’t believe not even you told me this when it happened!

Y/N- Spin, you’re just my boyfriend’s best friend. And it was none of your business back then. It’s old news…

Spin- Brought into the present, my bestfriend fucked my girl before i even knew her and she’s probably carrying his child!

Y/N- Wait, wait.. how long ago did you first sleep with Sienna?

Spin- *shrugs* 

Y/N- What does *imitates his shrug* mean?

Spin- I don’t know. we slept together that night she took me home

Y/N- Shit, you really don’t waste any time.. alright how far along is she?

Spin- She didn’t tell me… look, I gotta talk to Diggy.. *walks to the door*

Y/N- *holds him back* Please… *sighs* I’m the kind of person to try and make amends with people. I don’t want me to be the reason another relationship breaks up. Dig and his sister just got back to being normal, don’t tell him I told you. Please don’t say anything Spin..

Spin- So I have to pretend I don’t know?

Y/N- *nods* For now…

Spin- *sighs* That’s not easy but.. fine, I will

Y/N- *breathes a sigh of relief*

*half an hour later*

Y/N- *walks in the apartment* Dig? Daniel you here?

Diggy- *walks out* Yeah, I’m here…

Y/N- *looks at him* Baby, you don’t looks so good.. *touches his face* 

Diggy- Naw I’m fine. Trust me. I thought you went grocery shopping?

Y/N- I er.. I was going to but then mom called and wanted to meet with me for a meal and stuff. I’ll go tomorrow

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