Chapter 35

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The first test had to be wrong.. it had to be. I can’t be pregnant now, my career is taking off… and it’s not right for it to happen right now. It just isn’t. I rushed to the pharmacy, picked up another two tests, grabbed some bathroom stuff like body wash and toothpaste, went to the store to get Kendall’s chocolate and Diggy’s treats and then came back

Diggy- *walks out the bathroom* You okay?

Y/N- Um.. yeah I’m fine, why?

Diggy- No reason.. *looks at you*

Y/N- Well stop staring at me, that’s so weird..

Kendall- *looks at you* Y/N, what’s up with you lately?

Y/N- Nothing.. what’s with all the questions?

Kendall- Okay.. did you get my chocolate?

Y/N- *throws it to her*

Kendall- *smiles* Thank you!

Y/N- *hands Diggy his snacks*

Diggy- Your footcream is shit by the way..

Y/N- You were testing iy?!

Diggy- Yeah, so?

Y/N- Y’all are so up in my business *shakes her head*

I went to the bathroom quickly and took the other two tests.. I hated waiting for this, it was too much. I kept thinking of all the things I said to Dushane and now it was happening to me. I can’t be a mom now, I have my career and my life to live for now.. I don’t even think i want kids, I’m not ready for that kind of commi.. then it hit me. I wasn’t that ready to commit to something forever. 


Kendall- You’ll definitely call me later, right?

Y/N- *laughs* I always do..

Kendall- *smiles* Good *hugs you and leaves*

Y/N- *closes the door* *looks at Diggy* I need to talk to you…

Diggy- *pats the seat beside him*

Y/N- *sits on the couch*

Diggy- What is it?

Y/N- *sighs* I’m so, so nervous to say this to you..

Diggy- What?

Y/N- *breathes deeply* I’m pregnant…

Diggy- You are?

Y/N- *nods*

Diggy- Babe.. *holds your hand* you ain’t fuckin with me right? You ain’t pulling a Sienna are you?

Y/N- *shakes head* No, no I’m not… 

Diggy- *smiles* This is amazing…

Y/N- *confused* Really?

Diggy- Yeah of course.. why aren’t you excited?

Y/N- *shrugs* Cause it’s a huge commitment. Diggy, I’m 22, I can’t have a child right now..

Diggy- Loads of people have kids when they’re 22…

Y/N- But..

Diggy- *interrupts* Babe, Y/N.. it’s fine. Look, we can do this and.. I’m so happy right now. This is all I wanted… *hugs you tight* I love you so much…

Y/N- *hugs him and looks away*

A few weeks went by.. I didn’t really tell anybody. Not my mom, brother or manager. Just Kendall. She said she 'had a feeling' about it and I was acting weird too in her opinion. Diggy wanted to tell Spin because I was only three months now, but I told him not to. I had to beg him not to tell Spin. I didn’t want more people knowing… but he was too excited.

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