Chapter 30, Part Two

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Diggy- *looks at the screen* *looks at you* Seriously…

Y/N- I don’t even know…

Kendall- *turns off the tv*

Diggy- Did you tell him you loved him?

Y/N- *pauses* I can’t even remember…

Diggy- Do you?

Y/N- No! How can you even say that?

Diggy- He said you did, then he proposes on national tv..

Y/N- Then you understand how embarrassed I am right now

Diggy- And I look like the biggest idiot! Some guy everyone knows was with you just asked you to marry him on Good Morning America and said you were still in love with him! It’s such a fucking joke, I can’t even be here…

Y/N- Don’t think like that, I.. I don’t know what to say to you right now

Diggy- I can’t even deal… *pulls on his shirt* *walks out the door*

Y/N- *follows him* Dig.. wait,

Diggy- No, just leave it. Go and get ready for your show or whatever…

Y/N- Are you still coming?

Diggy- *slams the door*

Kendall- Come on, go get changed and everything

Y/N- *sighs* Alright… *walks to the bathroom*

I was busy today… I had a photoshoot this morning and a tv appearance later this evening…Kendall came with me to the shoot. I had to attend it. I was so embarrassing to be there… everyone looked at me and not in the way I was used to. In the “oh my god did you see Good Morning America this morning?” way.

Even Stacey asked to see my ring… even is she meant it as a joke, I wasn’t laughing, then she realised how annoyed I was. I was so not ready for this. I got my make up done, took the pictures, changed clothes, more pictures… fixed my hair, changed clothes again and again and took more photos until it was all done. Finally. 

I was too distracted. I texted Diggy between breaks, when I was being pampered and prepared for the shoot and even after hours when I’d finished. He left and didn’t answer his phone, he just ignored me.

Kendall- Stop worrying..

Y/N- Why? Ken, you don’t know…

Kendall- I learnt that if you make it a problem, it gets bigger. But if you make it an opportunity, it gets better. You need to just treat it all as a huge joke. Like it doesn’t bother you

Y/N- That’s so hard.. I have a reputation to keep up with..

Kendall- And how many times has it been tarnished? You’ve been through and done this, you can do it again.

Y/N- *sighs*

Kendall- And don’t worry about Diggy, okay?

Y/N- I can’t. That’s my boyfriend and he thinks I’m still in the past.. I’d be embarrassed if I was him… urgh *puts her hand over her face*

Kendall- Just laugh it all off…

Y/N- *grumbles*

*later that day*

Kendall- Where you going?

Y/N- To the show, what do you mean?

Kendall- Oh yeah.. well I’m gonna get Kylie and bring her. She wanted to meet up.

First Sight (A Diggy Simmons Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora