Chapter 37

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Y/N- *looks at Jermaine* We were cruising around in our car and I joked that I would fuck him up.. *laughs nervously*

Diggy- Oh, so it was a joke?

Sasha- *runs to the door* Mommy…!

Y/N- *turns around and picks her up* Hey Sash… you done with your dinner?

Sasha- *babbles and nods*

Y/N- *laughs*

Diggy- *smiles at her* She’s adorable…

Jermaine- Diggy, it’s thanksgiving. I thought you were with your family..

Diggy- Yeah. I was passing through and decided to make a pit stop real quick..

Jermaine- *looks at you* Babe, did you tell him?

Y/N- What?

Jermaine- *looks at Diggy* We’re engaged *smiles and puts his arm over you*

Diggy- Oh.. *looks at you both* Congratulations.. *smiles nervously*

Y/N- *looks down* Thanks..

Jermaine- Well I’m gonna try and put Sash her to bed. She missed her nap.. *takes Sasha from you* Nice seeing you Dig..  *walks upstairs*

Diggy- *sees him walk off* You’re not serious..

Y/N- Daniel..

Diggy- Take a drive with me… *pulls you outside* 

Y/N- *looks at him* This isn’t necessary. We don’t have to do this..

Diggy- *gets in the car*

Y/N- *sighs and gets in*

Diggy- *drives off* *looks at you* This is crazy you know. One minute we’re fucking and you’re saying you want me.. then you’re engaged to some guy.. what gives? You fuckin with me again?

Y/N- You know how I feel about you.. and you know how I feel about Jermaine. You understand me.. but I love Jermaine so much

Diggy- Last night you were calling out my name, saying I was the only one for you..

Y/N- *looks out the window*

Diggy- The funniest thing is, you told me back then that you didn’t wanna get married to kids.. and here you are. You have a kid and you’re engaged and you did it all with a guy who wasn’t me..

Y/N- I changed..

Diggy- It feels like you just didn’t wanna do all that with me..

Y/N- *looks at him* It was all too soon Diggy. It wasn’t you..

Diggy- I’m actually heartbroken just thinking about it. You moved on so quickly

Y/N- I kinda got over you.. until now that you’re back in the picture

Diggy- Because I want you Y/N! *focuses on the road*

Y/N- *sits back in her seat*

Diggy- *sighs and pulls over* *looks at you* I woulda thought you’d be this excited about getting married if only it were to me…

Y/N- *looks at him*

Diggy- I remember when Sasha was born… and you didn’t even tell me. I was so broken inside. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t even know you were pregnant..

Y/N- Because I stayed outta the media. I only wanted family and friends to know

Diggy- And we weren’t even that. Look, I’m asking.. don’t marry Jermaine. Do you love him? Why do you wanna marry him?

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