Chapter 8

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*two months later*

You wouldn’t guess what Drew did to me next… while I was in California, he went to the fucking tabloids and let out all this shit about our relationship. He talked about our sex life, the things we’d do, how we met, how “heartbroken” he was and how selfish I was to cheat on him.

I went mental. My manager Stacey wouldn’t stop sending me all the press releases about it. My face was on the National Enquirer, the DailyMail, all over TMZ and Drew reportedly had a meeting and did an interview with a few papers and got over $200’000 for his little stunt. 

I was so infuriated. All this stressing over it took most of my time and effort and I couldn’t really focus on anything else. Diggy had my best interests at heart and he meant well when he tried to distract me from it, but this is why… this is why I don’t and I refuse to get close to people because they leave me and let me down.

Stacey- Another one… *throws you a newspaper* *sits down*

Y/N- *reads the front cover* “Not-So Model Behaviour?" This is annoying… *pushes it across the table*

Stacey- *looks at you* What happened in your relationship?

Y/N- *looks down* I fell out of love with him and we broke things off…

Stacey- I know that’s not what happened Y/N. He said you cheated, is that true..

Y/N- *getting agitated* Stacey, I don’t wanna talk about it

Stacey- I get that.. but how are we meant to address these things when you won’t tell us if they’re true? The longer you leave it for, the more things Drew will have to say about you

Y/N- *frustrated* I don’t even wanna reply to anything he’s said! He’s so irrelevant right now and what he did was shady. I don’t care if he calls me whatever names, fuck what he thinks and what he says. I’m too busy for this

Stacey- *looks at you* You know how long it’s been now Y/N? A month and a half. That’s how long it’s been since Drew even talked to the papers and you’re here. You’re stressed. You’re almost 19, you don’t need all this pressure on you and you need to confront everything

Y/N- *mumbles* I don’t like confrontation

Stacey- I know you don’t

Y/N- *shakes head and scoffs* Funny thing is.. I thought he said he loved me. And I get that I was meant to love him but I fell out of love and hurt him instead… but he emphasized how much he adored me and for so long and he goes and says all this shit about me. That’s not exactly love..

Stacey- Looking at the accusations, what do you know about love anyway? You’re not exactly an expert

Y/N- *looks at her* *looks away*

Stacey- *shrugs* Come on, we need to talk over your schedule *stands up* and I have Phoebe, your publicist, in my office. She has more bad news for you…

Y/N- *follows her out* Gonna be an annoying day

*later that day*

Stacey- *looks back at you* They’re all outside. Security’s here. Put your sunglasses on and follow me, okay?

Y/N- *nods and slides her sunglasses on*

Stacey- *holds your hand* *leads you out the building*

*paps take pictures* *they shout your name and ask about the allegations*

Y/N- *holds tightly to Stacey*

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