Chapter 47

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*that evening*

Diggy- *lights candles* *straightens them on the table* *hears the door close*

Y/N- *calls* Diggy? Dig?

Diggy- In the living room..

Y/N- *walks in* Oh wow..

Diggy- *stands up* Kendall told me the good news.. *pulls you gently to the table*

Y/N- Did she really?

Diggy- She did.. how in the hell did Jermaine grant the divorce so quickly like that?

Y/N- I don’t know.

Diggy- *kisses you* Everything’s settled now. Take a seat

Y/N- Well, not everything. *sits down*

Diggy- What do you mean?

Y/N- *walks up to him* Remember when we promised to tell each other everything?

Diggy- Yeah, I remember that promise.

Y/N- Well… were you in a relationship while me and Jermaine were together?

Diggy- *chuckles to himself* Define relationship..

Y/N- *stares at him* Daniel. I heard from the judge at the courthouse that you were married before. And now divorced.

Diggy- *stares at you*

Y/N- You never told me that before

Diggy- *looks away*

Y/N- Baby, look at me. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.. just tell me what happened.

Diggy- I’m not ashamed.. it’s just.. *sighs* Aite.. *looks at you* There was this girl.. and another girl and loads after.. I’d been in and out of women for ages

Y/N- *looks away* Okay that’s enough.

Diggy- *laughs* I’m kidding..

Y/N- You’re not.

Diggy- *smirks to himself* Yeah I’m not

Y/N- *rolls eyes* Diggy…

Diggy- Okay so I’d been with a lotta women, you know this. It’d been about, what, a year since you got with Jay and that’s when I met this girl out of all of them.

Y/N- And..?

Diggy- And she was so pretty and amazing. We hit it off when I met her on set, the chemistry was just.. *exhales* it was something else. She played one of the guest stars on the show… I don’t know what it was. I just thought I fell in love again.

Y/N- What happened?

Diggy- *pauses and shakes his head* I don’t wanna talk about it

Y/N- *tilts her head* Come on, you tell me you’ve slept with numerous women but you won’t tell me about this one girl?

Diggy- Cause that was different.

Y/N- You know my life, I wanna know yours. I thought we were being honest with each other.

Diggy- I’m trying. But it’s the past

Y/N- And I won’t judge you. You know that

Diggy- Alright. *sighs* It was a few months later, we were dating, it was lowkey, we got caught up, moved too fast.. and yeah you’re right. I got married. To her.

Y/N- Wow.

Diggy- It was too fast. Too sudden and we weren’t mature enough. We just thought it’d be fun and I thought “wow, I really love this girl, I made the right choice” but I didn’t. I thought marrying her was the perfect opportunity to get you out of my mind. It was just a distraction.

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