Chapter 28

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Trevor- *looks at his phone* Fuck… *call goes into voicemail* Y/N,  you should be answering your phone, you remember what I told you before huh? *sighs* Babe, I just wanted to tell you.. Merry Christmas. I really wish I could see you but… I’m here, you’re there. Hope you’re having a good night *hangs up*


*the next morning*

Y/N- *wakes up* *looks at Diggy in bed* Diggy? *rocks him* Dig, wake up! *stands on the bed*

Diggy- *grumbles and wakes up* Urgh.. what?

Y/N- *jumps up and down* It’s Christmas!!

Diggy- *laughs* Shut up.. you still excited over Christmas? You’re 21 years old… *pulls you down to your knees*

Y/N- I don’t care, I love the festive season.. *straddles him* my favourite time of year…

Diggy- *smiles* *holds your hands* How was last night for you?

Y/N- *smiles* I can’t even describe it.. it was amazing

Diggy- What does that make us?

Y/N- Hm, do we need to label us so soon?

Diggy- *whines* But I wanna make you mine babe..

Y/N- I know.. but I still got a lot to deal with.. *leans down and kisses him*

Diggy- *pouts* Promise?

Y/N- *laughs* Okay, okay *smiles*

Diggy- *holds you close*

Kendall- *walks in* Hey love birds *smiles*

Y/N- *smiles* Hey Ken..

Kendall- Merry Christmas guys.. you look like you had a good night.. *smirks*

Y/N- *rolls eyes* How the fu..

Kendall- You’re in your underwear and he’s shirtless. Trust me, I know

Diggy- *laughs*

Y/N- You called your mom?

Kendall- I just got off the phone with her, she was so upset I’m not there for Christmas with everybody. She was crying and saying they’d all miss me and everything… it was so sad. I was like, mom don’t cry. I’ll be home in two days *laughs a little*

Y/N- Your mom is so sweet…

Kendall- What we doing today?

Diggy- Yeah, what are we doing? Before we go to my parents’s?

Y/N- Breakfast, presents and a little pre-Christmas dinner..

Kendall- Come on, let’s go! *drags you out the room*

Diggy- I’ll be out in a minute *gets out of bed*


I left her and Kendall to go downstairs and soon enough, some Christmas songs were playing. Probably from Kendall’s phone. She loved the festive season even more than Y/N did.

I washed my face and showered before pulling on sweatpants and a shirt to go downstairs. I had to admit, I loved Y/N’s house. It was perfect for anything, parties, family or even time to yourself…

I saw them both dancing and cooking in the kitchen, they looked so stupid as they jumped around to “All I Want For Christmas” in their pyjamas but I couldn’t help but laugh

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