Chapter 55

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Diggy- *wakes up* *sees you’re not in the bed* *gets up and walks out the room*

Kioka- *walks past* Ew, dad put a shirt on.. *grabs her school bag*

Diggy- *chuckles* Where’s your mom?

Kioka- *shrugs* She rushed out. Said it was urgent

Diggy- Urgent?

Kioka- I don’t know. We asked her if it was about last night.. she didn’t reply. *walks away*

Diggy- *eyes widen* *runs in the room* *looks in the drawer* *sees his gun is gone*


Zach- *backs into the wall* I ain’t said nothing.. what’s going on Y/N?

Y/N- *holds the gun to his face* What the fuck happened last night?

Zach- *shrugs* Dunno

Y/N- So Diggy coming home to me and our four kids bleeding isn’t anything! *grips the gun*

Zach- Don’t be stupid. come on. You know you can’t shoot me. You’re just a little girl inside who can’t pull the trigger

Y/N- *almost trembles* I just want you to leave my family alone.

Zach- You pushed me to do it. Diggy knows not to tell you and he did anyway. He broke the code

Y/N- So you jumped him?! That’s your client! You manage him!

Zach- *laughs* So I can do whatever I want to him

Y/N- *drops the gun and grabs his shirt* *pushes him against the wall* All I want.. is for you to leave him.. what kind of man are you?!

Zach- *feels down your hips*

Y/N- *pushes him off* Don’t touch me!

Zach- I’m more of a man than he is and ever will be. I manage you both. *smirks at you* We’re gonna have fun

Y/N- *shakes head* No.. no, I’m not associated with you. I’m dropping you

Zach- *laughs* Try *grabs you* *feels you up*

Y/N- *tries to fight him off* No, stop..

Zach- *puts his lips against your neck* *grabs your ass*

Diggy- *runs in the house* *pulls him off you*

Y/N- *sees him* Diggy!

Diggy- *punches Zach* *drops him and looks at you* *hugs you*

Zach- *struggles to stand up*

Diggy- *looks at Zach* You leave me, my wife and my family alone.

Zach- *spits blood* You better watch your back.

Diggy- *pulls you out and leaves*

*in the car*

Y/N- hands start shaking*

Diggy- *stops driving* Babe.. *holds your hand* 

Y/N- *speaks quietly* I’m sorry I did all this

Diggy- Did what?

Y/N- I said I’d sort it.. I told him to leave you alone.. and he jumped you and, and he took advantage of me..

Diggy- *shakes head* All you’ve done is be a good wife to me all this time. You’ve done nothing wrong, babe you raised my kids for 13 years. I need you. We’re in this together. I’ll protect you and you protect me

Y/N- *nods a little*


*a few months later*

Diggy- What do you think of this?

Y/N- *shrugs* It’s alright

Diggy- *shakes the realtor’s hand* Thanks, we’ll take it.

Realtor- I’ll get the paperwork.. *leaves*

Diggy- *looks at you* What’s wrong?

Y/N- This is the fourth house

Diggy- I know babe, bu..

Y/N- Diggy. It’s the fourth house.

Y/N- *looks at him* Babe, is this the right thing to do?

Diggy- It’s fine babe. It’s completely fine. We’ll be fine. I’ve got a new manager, we have another new house…

Y/N- But..

Diggy- *holds your shoulders* Don’t worry about a thing


*later on*

Kioka- *eats her dinner* Why did we move again and you didn’t tell us?

Y/N- Me and daddy.. we just needed a change of scenery and a new start *phone buzzes* *looks at it* *puts it down*

Joshua- A new start? Again?

Amari- From what?

Y/N- A lot of things. Just a lot of changes

Amari- Is it because dad got jumped?

Y/N- *phone buzzes repeatedly* It was because of a lot of things, honey *turns the phone off* *slams it down*

Joshua- *looks at you carefully*

Sasha- Where’s dad?

Y/N- He’s coming home now. I hope. *sighs and pushes the plate away*

*that night*

Diggy- *walks in the bedroom* *almost whispers* Babe, I’m home…

Y/N- *looks at him* *throws the phone at him*

Diggy- Ow, what?! *grabs it*

Y/N- *folds her arms* Look at it.

Diggy- *reads the messages* Shit..

Y/N- Diggy.. what are we gonna do?

Diggy- We don’t do anything..

Y/N- *looks at him confused* I can’t keep switching houses and relocating.. these kids can’t go through that. I can’t go through that

Diggy- It’s fine babe I can ha—

Y/N- *almost shouting* No it’s not fine and you can’t handle it! Me and my kids are getting death threats from gangsters and you wanna tell me it’s fine?!

Diggy- Baby, you know how hard this is for me?!

Y/N- *starts to cry*

Diggy- *lifts his shirt* *takes out his gun* Take this. *drops it on the bed*

Y/N- *looks at it* What for Diggy? *pushes it away* I’m not in this..

Diggy- What do you mean you’re not in it?

Y/N- I can’t be doing this! We’ve been on the low for months, we’re not kids anymore, why are we hiding?

Diggy- Because we got into this mess and I can’t get us out of it!

Y/N- *shakes head* I can’t do it anymore

Diggy- *nods* Yes, you can. You promised me, remember all them years back?

Y/N- No, because you were gone for so long, I can’t remember a thing!

Diggy- You promised to stay by me. That we’re in this together. Till death do us part.

Y/N- *blinks away tears* *looks down*

Diggy- Y/N, did you mean that?

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