Chapter 45

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Y/N- Diggy! *tries to go*

Kendall- *holds you back* No, it’s too dangerous, you’re crazy!

Y/N- He has my daughter Kendall!!

Diggy- *drops the gun* Trey?

Trey- *drops to the floor* Yes, it’s me.. what the fuck are you doing with a gun?! You fucking shot me!

Diggy- Oh shit..

Y/N- Kendall, get off me! *rushes to the door and looks at the floor*

Trey? *crouches to him* Trey, are you hurt?!

Trey- *groans* Your stupid best friend just shot me in the foot *glares at Diggy*

Kioka- *whines and reaches for you*

Kendall- *takes Kioka* Lemme have her.. you’re insane

Diggy- Sorry, I really didn’t intend on that, it was a spur of the moment kinda thing, I’m sorry.

Y/N- And you’re stupid! *hits him* Suppose it wasn’t Trey and she got hurt? I’d hold you to it if anything happened to her..

Diggy- I know.. *kisses Kioka’s head* I wouldn’t let that happen..

Trey- Okay, but it happened to me and my foot is bleeding, can someone help me?

Kendall- I’ll get the first aid box… *runs out*

Y/N- Trey, why are you here?

Trey- *looks at you* You have to get out Y/N. He’s looking for you and he said he’s gonna kill you..

Y/N- Why are you helping me? You’re his best friend..

Trey- All the more reason. I know what must have gone on. I didn’t know before, I realised with the way he was acting that he’d been.. hititng you.

Y/N- *looks away*

Sasha- *comes to the door* Mommy.. what’s going on?

Y/N- *looks at her* Nothing honey..

Diggy- *picks her up* Should we go and get something to eat?

Sasha- *nods* Yes please!

Diggy- *smiles at you* *walks away with her*

Y/N- *sighs*

Trey- *looks at you* I know.

Y/N- *confused* Know what?

Trey- I know how you’re feeling.. what you’re thinking. I see the way you look at him.

Kendall- *comes back and hands you the first aid kit* Does Kioka need feeding?

Y/N- Yeah, she does.

Kendall- Okay, I’ll do that for you.. *leaves*

Y/N- *takes the tweezers* *takes the bullet out his foot*

Trey- *hisses in pain* Fuck..

Y/N- Sorry… *dabs his wound with disinfectant*

Trey- You know he loves you.

Y/N- *rolls eyes* Who Jermaine?

Trey- No, Diggy.

Y/N- *looks at him*

Trey- More than Jermaine ever will

Y/N- Part of me doubts that

Trey- Keep doubting it and you’ll lose him Y/N. He’s good for you..

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