Chapter thirty three : Training

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Juvia, Erza and Levy sat on the sofa chatting.

Juvia tapped her fingers against the coffee mug around her hands "okay I have a question?"

"What is it?" Erza asked.

"Gajeel and I have been hearing rumours of Phantom Lord coming back, of course we won't ever go back there but somehow I feel quite nervous about it. Ever though it might not even be true." Juvia sighed.

Levy said "have you not asked Gray?"

Juvia shook her head.

"Why not?" Erza inquired.

Juvia shrugged "honestly, I don't know."

"Have you even slept together yet?"

Juvia felt herself flush and the blood rush to her face "well- no, wait what does that even have to do with anything?"

Levy and Erza said together "curiosity."

Juvia felt uncomfortable "but it doesn't have anything to do with what I'm talking about?"

"Have you never had a girl chat?" Levy asked.

Juvia shook her head "no, you couldn't have girl talk at Phantom Lord, one time I decided to talk to Gajeel about Bora because I didn't think he was treating me right. So I asked him what I should do and he said 'I'm not a girl, but why don't you chew on a nail or something that'll do the trick.'"

"Oh my god."

Juvia nodded laughing.

Erza smiled "well no worries girl chat isn't weird."

Levy fiddled with a strand of her hair "hang on how long have you and Gray been dating?"

Juvia paused thinking and then said "a week and a half."

Erza smirked "wow."

Juvia huffed "well excuse me, have you slept with Jellal yet hm?"

"Actually yes."

Juvia folded her arms smugly "Thought s- HANG ON WHAT?"

Erza nodded "well we shared a bed on the night of the wedding so why not."

Juvia spluttered "okay this is really awkward."

"Only because most of your life you have been with a guy who chews on nails all the time." Levy pointed out.

Erza pulled her knees up to her chest "is something holding you back from Gray?"

Juvia shrugged "taking it slow maybe? But then at the night of the wedding when one of us would have to share a bed Gray kind of averted his eyes from me. So does he not like me?"

Levy shook her head "there is no way, he doesn't like you, remember what he did for your first date?"

Juvia did remember. It was beautiful, he had gotten the guys to help him out with the lights and they had it at the pool and asked each other things about the other. "Yes, so what is it?"

"Shall I knock sense into him?" Erza offered.

"N-no! Don't do that!" Juvia waved her hands.

Levy smiled "are you sure there isn't another reason you haven't?"

"Well, I haven't actually ever-well you know." The sentence floated in the air.

Erza rested her chin on her knees "is that what you're worried about? That you'll do something wrong?"

Juvia nodded "yeah."

Levy kept on rolling her strand of heir around her finger and then unrolling. "I'm sure it'll be fine, you just have to try be confident about it."

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