Chapter 12

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A few hours later....
After breakfast,Shawn and I decide to hang out in the hotel lobby for a bit.
"Fuck I'm so tired" I sigh
"Yh same" Shawn replies
"SHAAAAAAAWWWWWNNN!!" A girl screams running up to Shawn
"Oh shit" I say
"Oh my god I love you so much!!! I didn't know you'd be in the same hotel as me" She says hyperventilating
"I love you too honey but just breathe" He chuckles getting off the couch and holding her hands
"Keep up the good music" She says calming down
"Thank yo- " Shawn tries to respond
"Ooooo who's that?" She asks staring right at me
"Oh hey I'm Shawn's assistant" I quickly state
"Oh that's cool...oh my god you're really pretty" She squeals giving me a tight hug
"Can I get a selfie with you Shawn?" She asks and I step to the side while Shawn is still trying to understand what she's saying because she talking at speed of James Charles.

"Yh of course...I'll hold your phone" He smiles as he takes the selfie but he somehow dropped her phone on the floor screen first.
"Oh my god Shawn!" I exclaim quickly checking if her phone is ok.
"It fine just a little scratch" I say
"Oh thank god" She sighs
"Sorry he's a bit clumsy" I whisper in her ear
"Yh I know I can tell but he's so hot though" She whispers back to me and I laugh
"My parents are calling me back now. Bye Shawn and....?" She pauses
"Y/N" I reply
"Cool name....bye Y/N" She says before running off somewhere else.
"Woah that was a lot" I giggle
"Yup" Shawn sighs sitting back on the couch and running his hands through his loose curls.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask
"I don't fucking know" Shawn grins
"Oh wow ok mister" I reply rolling my eyes
"You always roll your eyes when you get slightly irritated or just pissed off and it's just so fucking hot" He says
"Yh right what if my eyes rolled back and got stuck" I state
"Then I'd roll your eyes back" Shawn says giving a wtf was that question look
"It was a random question....I'm bored ok...don't come for my neck jeez" I say
"Oh I'll come for your neck baby" Shawn whispers moving his lips closer to my neck but I just slap his thigh
"OW!" Shawn yells and everyone looks for a second and then turns back.
"What was that for?" Shawn questions
"We're in the hotel lobby!" I exclaim
"Fine lets go back to the bedroom then" Shawn smirks while raising one eyebrow.
"No I don't want to fuck you right now" I snap
"Woah ok I'm sorry I'm a man....I can't help it" Shawn says raising his hands in defence

"Ooh let's go there!!" I squeal pointing to the bar
"'re 18 you can't drink" Shawn sighs
"Not in America but I can here it's Jamaica!!" I yell
(A/N I actually did some research and the legal drinking age in Jamaica is 18 just like the UK, China and etc)

"Oh shit I forgot" Shawn chuckles
"It's not like I haven't drunk alcohol already back home....oh yh you've given me alcohol once" I giggle
"Yh ok I guess I'm guilty as charge" Shawn smiles
"Let's grab a drink" I say
"It's too early" Shawn whines
"It's literally 11 come on" I say poking his arm
"Yh come on dude" Connor says sitting next to us
"Connor what the f- where did you come from?" Shawn asks
"I was imported from America" Connor jokes
"Ha Ha very funny" I sarcastically reply looking Connor dead in the face
"What's with the scary look today Y/N?" Connor asks
"You're annoying that's it" I reply putting on a fake smile

Plays Fake Smile by Ariana Grande in my head....woah that was two Ari song references *high fives myself*

"Hellooooo??" Shawn says waving his hand in my face
"You were just sitting there smiling" He continues
"Oh" I chuckle
"Anyways Connor Y/N wanted to get a drink from the bar"  Shawn says
"Oh wow miss goody two shoes isn't so good anymore" Connor grins and I roll my eyes
"I wouldn't mind a piña colada" I say
"Ok I'll go order one for you babe" Shawn states getting up
"Thanks" I respond and he kisses my cheek before walking off to the bar.
"What are you staring at Connor?" I ask
"You" He chuckles
"Oh do I have something on my face?" I panic
"Yh it's called beauty" Connor smiles still looking at me deep in my eyes
"Oh thanks" I say before processing what he just said

Wait what the fuck?!

Hope you enjoyed it and sorry for not updating for a few days I was just trying to make the most out of my holiday
Love you guys ❤️❤️

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