Chapter 17

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I wake up to hear Y/N's little snores caress my eardrums meanwhile my eyes are still struggling to open properly. I rub my dry ass eyes and I try to get up from the bed without waking her up. Therefore I slowly sit up and turn to the right. I place my weird looking feet on the floor and then I stand up causing the bed to creak very loudly. I wince and I turn back slowly to see if my precious angel eyes have fluttered open but nope she was still sleeping.

I walk over to the bathroom where I brush my teeth. After I finish I run my hands through my dry curls....

I mean they don't necessarily look dry but still they need some moisturising

After putting the tiniest bit of l gel in my hair I look at the shower and then I look at the bed.  I then stare into the mirror and begin to do the robot terribly. I then decide to moonwalk but it just consisted of me staring at my feet not noticing that I was inches away from the shower door which was  a push door for some reason
"Smooth criminal" I whisper as I continue doing my version of the moonwalk
"Hee he- aaaaaaa!" I yell falling butt first into the shower
"Shit" I mumble realising I've probably woken Y/N and the whole hotel up.

Fuck it

I get up and luckily my butt us dry. I make my way down to the bed and just sit on it contemplating my life choices. I run my hands through my hair because for some reason I do that all the time.

"Shawn" I hear a soft but yet croaky voice mumble
"Yes baby?" I ask turning around facing her
"You're a dumbo" She smiles
"Oh Yh thx I already know that" I smile lightly
"Maybe you should go back to sleep angel" I say
"Don't call me that" She states
"Call you what?" I question
"Don't call me angel" She retorts then covering her whole head with the cover
"Oh well I'm sorry and wait isn't that a son-?"I try to say before getting cutoff by her snores which were a lot louder this time. Not as cute...a bit manly but oh well.  I get into bed and try to cuddle her even though she's engulfed in the bed covers. Every-time I try to spoon her

Hahaha spoon....spooning hahaha

Anyways every time I try to be the big spoon she wriggles out of my grasp moving far away from me. 
"Uggh fine" I mumble rolling my eyes and I proceed to watch some YouTube videos.

Hope you liked this short chapter.... sorry I keep forgetting about this book 😂😂😂

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