Chapter 47

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Two hours later...
"So yh that's why I have that scar on my cheek and on my lower stomach" Shawn says
"Wow so what facial hair were you shaving exactly" I chuckle
"I have no idea" He smiles
"Right so what are we doing today?" I ask smiling widely
"Well just put your boots on and you'll see" He grins and I jump out of my chair rushing to leave the balcony. I guess I was really excited as I didn't even notice that the balcony door was closed.
"Y/N!" Shawn exclaims as my face bangs into the door. I move back holding my nose as tear drops leave my eyes.

Fuck...I'm so dumbbb and plus why did I have to wear mascara today. I should really invest into a waterproof one.

"Honey are you ok?" He asks running up to me
"Yh it just hurt like a lot" I cry as I check if my nose was bleeding but luckily it wasn't.
"Ughh how am I getting even dumber as I'm getting older" I chuckle while tear drops still run caress my cheeks.
"Aw come on let's get you cleaned up" He says

An hour later...
"You ok?" Shawn mumbles while his arms were still round my waist in bed.
"Yh thanks Shawnieeeee" I squeal
"No problem and do you wanna put the belt back on?" He asks snuggling his face up in the back of my neck
"Nah I feel comfortable and to be honest you're a really good pillow" I smile
"And with that I'm done" He states getting up out of bed.
"Huh?" I question
"You called me a pillow and plus we need to go" He smiles
"Fuck sake" I groan

So here we go again I fix my hair, use my eyelash curler instead and apply my pineapple lipgloss.
"Ok I'm ready" I sigh

Wait no I'm not...

I quickly put on my black boots and rush out of the bedroom to see Shawn standing next to the door on his phone.
"Ok let's go" I pant out of breath

30 minutes later...
"Shawn we've been walking for like 30 minutes where are we going?" I ask
"Close your eyes" He replies
"No" I smile
"Wow you never listen to me do you?" He asks chuckling while placing his large hands over my eyes.

He leads me some to some sort of building  as I heard a door open.
"Ok I'll lift up my hands in 3.....2.......1!" Shawn exclaims on the one.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" A hear people yell as my eyes readjust to notice I'm in some sort of big frat house. My eyes wonder around the masses of people and I notice there's Teddy, Andrew, Aaliyah,some friends I made at the news years party,some of Shawn's friends and I see Monique,Sarah,Veronica and Beth.


"OH MY GOSHHH!" I scream and everyone cheers as I run up to the group and hug them tightly
"Guys h-h-how the fuck did you get here? " I ask smiling so hard it started to hurt
"Shawn thankfully paid for our flights and flew us out" Sarah smiles
"You've got a good one" Beth whispers and I laugh

"Well what are we waiting for let's partyyyy!" Shawn yells and everyone cheers as loud music plays.
"It's only like 1:30" I say
"It's never too early to party" Monique says running over to the bar
"Aww my favourite geek" I say looking at Veronica
"Heyyyy" She giggles
"You look so fucking you don't look the same" She smiles
"So I looked bad before huh?" I ask
"Well..." She replies
"I hate you!" I exclaim hitting her arm playfully
"So....anyone in a relationship?" I question while we dance to The Box by Roddy Rich
"Huhhhh?" Beth yells
"Who's in a RELATIONSHIP?!" I scream
"Oh Sarah" Beth says pointing to her
"Shut up no I'm not" Sarah replies and I smirk at her
"Okay fine but let's not ignore that Veronica is finally dating someone" She remarks
"WHATTTT?!!!" I yell and my voice cracks
"Lol you're still going through puberty" Monique giggles as she returns with a cocktail.
"Shut up hoe" I smile and she bites her lip
"Hm at least I wasn't calling my man daddy" She answers back and my eyes widen
"Stoppp!" I squeal and they all laugh out loud
"I don't blame you, he is fine though" Beth smiles
"No" Veronica states and we all look at her
"He's super fine" She says and they all grin weirdly
"You guys are all perverted" I laugh
"Oop he's looking at you" Sarah whispers in my ear

Hope you guys are enjoying it and sorry for the late update I've just got so much online work to do 😔😔😔😔
Guys remember to be safe and only leave the house if it's necessary it's not just ur life at risk as you could carry the virus back to ur house and spread it to anyone.

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