Chapter 66

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Your POV

"Of course I do Y/N" Shawn grins and he motions for me to give him a hug so I do. We both get up from our seats and he carefully embraces me, making sure our stomachs hardly touched each other. I release from the hold and caress my belly because I still can't believe I'm actually pregnant.

It's so surreal

"Oh gosh I'm not ready for this" I sigh sitting back down in my seat and I see Shawn start to shake his leg out of nervousness once he sits down.
"Express how you feel Y/N" The therapist says

"Having a baby is a big deal and I honestly imagined myself having one at like 27 but obviously that didn't happen. I'm very scared about what's gonna happen to my body over these months and the pain of giving birth. I could opt for a c section but either way it's fucking scary. I honestly don't know how we're gonna cope with a child but I do want to keep it. From what you've said Shawn, it seems like you're happy so if we're both happy with this unexpected turn of events then this can work. If you really are willing to take care of me until you leave then I want this." I say and Shawn's smile gets even wider.
"That's what I'd hope you say honey" He smiles and we both stare into each other's eyes like we used to do in the past. I feel my cheeks blushing and for once I can see Shawn's cheeks doing the same.

I can feel our flame of love reigniting

"I think we're happy" I giggle while our eyes still remained locked on each other's.
"So you guys are ok?" She asks
"Yh we're good" Shawn replies still looking at me
"Well looks like I did a good job" She chuckles

The next morning..

"Good morning beautiful" Shawn whispers in my ear and I smile
"You ok?" He asks and I try and turn around to face him but he stops me.
"No you don't have to turn to face me" He says and he gets out of bed only to sit cross legged on the floor in front of me. His white t shirt was slightly loose and his red and black plaid pants were up to his ankle. Shawn's hair was a slight mess but his radiant glow of happiness made up for that.

Aw wtf. I've missed this Shawn a lot....the Shawn I fell in love with more than two years ago. I've literally realised that he was my teacher not too long ago...we don't talk to about that sjekdkdjdkdkdk

"I'm good Shawn, how are you?" I smile
"I feel amazing!" He coos and I chuckle in response
"You hungry?" He asks and my eyes light up
"I'm assuming that's a yes" He smiles so he kisses my lips before jogging downstairs. I pick up my phone and contemplate whether I should ask any of my friends if I could stay over for around 3 months.

I can't ask on the group chat because that would sound like I'm homeless and Shawn's abandoned me....there must be one person that if I told them they wouldn't be as shocked.


Oh my goshhhhh

Me: Hey Beth, I know that last call we had must've worried you a lot but I feel a lot better now. I don't want to exactly justify why I'm asking you this but hopefully you can figure out why. So, Shawn is going back on tour next month and I need a place to stay for three months and no I can't stay at home by myself because I won't be able to handle it. Therefore I was wondering if I could temporarily stay at where you're living rn. I'm not sure if you live in an apartment or still with your parents. We've been friends for a long time and I feel like it's easier to ask you because you know I've been going through shit lately. If you can't or don't feel comfortable it's understandable❤️.

I put my phone face flat on my bed waiting for her response. I hope she can understand why I'm asking but then again it's not obvious but then again it's not a big deal.

Fuck I should just tell her because it's not like we're 18 anymore but I'm still young though...

Me: I'm pregnant, ok that's why

I add that extra message, leave my phone in my bed and go downstairs. On the way downstairs, I go to itch my armpit but I kind of hit my boob in the process.
"Fuck!" I yell
"Honey are you ok?!" Shawn exclaims running to the staircase.
"I'm good my boobs just really hurt like they're fucking sore" I say and then for some reason I start to cry because it actually hurt a lot.
"Aw honey" Shawn says holding his hand out, I place my hand in his and he helps me down the stairs.
"Anything I can do to help?" He asks
"I don't know" I sniffle
"I'll research it" He says pulling out his phone. While he does that I check on the food still wiping the tears coming from my sleepy eyes.
"I-It smells good" I say finally calming down
"Thanks" He replies while rummaging through the freezer to find two ice packs. Shawn then puts them in two cases while I stare at him in confusion.

"Here" He states
"Huh?" I ask
"Put them on your boobies" He smiles
"Fine" I sigh so I take them from his hands, put them under my top and hold them in place on my chest.
"This is colddddddd" I moan
"Yh I know, now go lay down" He chuckles
"Watch when I have nice juicy boobs after this pregnancy is over, you won't be able to resist them" I smirk walking up to him, Shawn bursts out laughing and I don't blame him because I'm standing there saying that while I have ice packs on my titties.

"You already have them" He laughs
"Well they're gonna be bigger!" I exclaim walking off to the couch
"What am I gonna do without you?" He chuckles


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