Chapter 19

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Later on in the day....
"You guys up to go relax by the beach again?" Connor asks
"I don't know....I'm pretty tired guys" Teddy states
"Then go and sleep" Shawn replies
"Yh I know I should but I don't want to miss out on the fun" She says hitting Shawn lightly
"Heyyy....Teddy only I can hit Shawn" I retort hitting Shawn on the arm
"Owww!" He exclaims holding his bicep
"Well you can't just abuse him....I-I can too!" Teddy exclaims hitting Shawn harder on his shoulder
"No I can too!" I yell back putting my foot in the crevice of where Shawn's calf and leg meet causing him to fall forwards but he luckily puts his hands out to protect his face.
"Woah not cool dude" Shawn says with a straight face while getting up
"Oh I'm sorry that I didn't ruin your beautiful face" I smile
"Yh I know right" He smirks running his hands through his curls
"Stop that!" I say quickly pulling his hands out his hair
"Shawn if you ever need help just call me....looks like you're in an abusive relationship" Andrew smiles
"Nah I've been in worse" Shawn replies sternly with a straight face while walking off with Connor.

"What did I say wrong?" Andrew asks looking at Teddy and I
"It's a long story....d-don't stress about it, you guys relax I'll go talk to him" I say running after Shawn and Connor. They stop in a corner and I try to reach Shawn but Connor blocks me.
"Let me talk to him man" I sigh
"No can do missy what's the password?" Connor asks smirking
"Oh my God.....really?" I say rolling my eyes
"Ummm Connor's a douche" I state
"Nope and heyyyyy that's mean....meanie" He whines poking my shoulder
"Don't touch me dude" I quickly reply
"I don't fucking know what the password is ok?" I answer
"The password is Y/N is making the wrong decision"  Connor says
"What type of pass- oh my god forget it" I say confused trying to get through
"I'm serious" Connor says pushing me back and laying a hand on my shoulder
"About what?" I ask
"About you and s-"
"Hey it's fine man I just needed some space to myself" Shawn sighs walking up to us
"She didn't get the password right" Connor smiles
"There was a password?" He asks
"Yh" Connor answers back
"Well what was it?" Shawn queries
"Something about me maki-" I try to say
"Umm her making tequila" Connor abruptly says
"Tequila?" Shawn questions crossing his arms across his chest with a puzzled look on his face.
"Yh because Y/N has a secret hobby which is making tequila which only me and her know about" Connor smiles
"Umm okaaayyy" Shawn says trying to play along while wrapping his arm round my waist and starting to walk with me somewhere.

I look back at Connor to see his face fill with rage as he quickly sped walk in the other direction...never have I seen blue eyes go from soft to demonic.

Well of course there's Max's eyes but his eyes were always sharp and scary to me as they stared into my soul. I know he craved me I could tell by his gestures when he spoke to me and how his eyes almost dilated at the sight of me. I have no idea how Connor's eyes managed to do the same but that scares me deeply....

While my head wonders I grab onto Shawn's shirts tightly.
" ok baby?" He asks stopping in his tracks
"Yh I'm....well no I'm not ok...I'm scared Shawn....I'm scared..." I whisper as tear drops roll down my cheeks. Shawn pulls me to the corner of the hallway.
"Why....what's wrong?" Shawn says with concern in his now sharp green eyes.

Heyyyyyy I'm back...well no....I'm trying to update as much as I can ☺️☺️ you liking it?

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