Chapter 35

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Your POV
Connor's warm bleeding lips meet with mine as he caresses my face with his hand. Ewww!Wtf!! No!!

I push his hands off my face and remove my lips from his.
"I'm so sorry I-" Connor mutters
"No I'm sorry I-I-..... j-just don't do that again Connor" I sigh
"Whatever happens I'm going to be fired ok let's just say that." Connor states
"But I just needed to let you know that I love you" he continues
"Connor I-" I try to say
"Not just like a lover but as a friend too" He sighs

My heart really can't comprehend the amount of emotions I'm feeling right now

"I'm sorry if I've ever made you feel uncomfortable" he says
"No don't worry you haven't" I reply

Connor tries to hug me but I move backwards and look down at the ground.
"It's ok I deserve that" he states
All of a sudden I hear Connor's phone ring.
"Who is it?" I ask
"Shawn" he panics
"Answer" I say and he reluctantly accepts the call

"Hey Shawn" he starts
"Yh Yh she's with me" he continues
"Well she just wanted to check up on me.....n-no we've only been here for 10 minutes" He stutters
"Yh she's on her way back" Connor sighs placing his hand on his forehead
"Ok by-" he tries to say but it seems to me that Shawn had already ended the call
"You should probably go" Connor remarks
"Well who's gonna help clean up your face?" I question
"Don't worry I'll deal with it myself" he says turning towards the bathroom so I open the room door and exit.
"Oh Yh and one thin-" I hear Connor say but I slam the door shut. As I walk down the hallway I wipe my mouth with my arm to get rid of what I could still taste from Connor's messed up lips. I arrive at our door and I lift my fist up,about to knock on the door but Shawn swings the door open. For some reason he looked calm.....

I don't know why but he did....

"Shawn I'm so sorry,if I need to prove to you again that I haven't been cheating on you with him I'll do it straight away" I quickly blur out. He stares at me for a few seconds before pulling me into a hug.


When I tell you I was confused....I was confused. A minute ago this man literally beat up Connor and now he wants to hug me.
"Don't worry baby....he won't bother you anymore" He whispers bearing in mind we're still in the hallway and people are literally staring at us while they make their way to breakfast.
"I know how he made you feel....I know that's why you had been down...I thought it was my fault but I knew I wasn't that bad of a boyfriend" he smirks

C-Can he hear himself...type of bullshit's coming out of this man's mouth?

"Shawn I-"
"Shhh don't worry I'm gonna talk to Andrew and soon or later he'll be fired....and I'll make sure the media know about this." He continues speaking as if what he's saying isn't evil enough. I try to come out of the hug but his grip was too tight.
"Can we go inside the room now?" I ask
"Oh Yh of course" he replies finally letting go of me

Once he had closed the room shut behind him, I let everything loose.

"Shawn are you ok in the head?!" I exclaim
"W-woah w-wait what? Where did this come from? " he questions
"Why would you wanna spread this story across the media?For what gain? Popularity? To look like the victim?To ruin this guys life?....He's literally as young as me and you wanna fuck his life up already?!" I continue pointing at him
"And I thought you'd be grateful I literally punched that motherfucker in the face TWICE Y/N....TWICE!" He retorts back
"I don't care think Connor was the only reason I was miserable...are you fucking KIDDING ME?!" I yell at the top of my lungs

Thank God these walls are thick as fuck otherwise the police would've been here by now.

"Look at my neck Shawn!" I scream starting to cry while showing him the purple bruises on my neck.
"H-how c-could you forget this?That's what you did!"I ask and he tries to hug me
"No don't touch me...go and fire Connor then, go and spread this shit...if that makes you happier. I'll just be here. Go and enjoy your vacation." I whimper

He looks at me again with his deceitful,horrible green eyes,turns around and leaves the room.

I'm done

This is a lot of shit to handle 😣😣

Not Just A Lover (SEQUEL)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ